HI all,

Reading these stories has brought up a memory from a number of years ago.

My Berners have been pretty normal as far as eating "stuff" but we had a Dobe for a number of years (13 if you can believe that!!) and he LOVED to play with balls. One day he was playing with a soccer ball and got his whole mouth around it and sort of pushed the ball onto the ground. Somehow his canines got stuck in the seams of the ball and he could not get the ball out of his mouth again. He tried pawing at it, shaking his head etc all to no avail. When we realized he was having some problems (thankfully he was able to breath through all of this) we tried extracting the ball out of his mouth - it was stuck tight even my rather strong husband could not extract it. We finally resorted to deflating the ball and then pulling it off his teeth!!
Crazy old Bo!

Thanks for the memories!

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