Dear List,
Just wanted to thank you all, once again, for all of your kind warmth and
support. Firstly, we were so wonderfully welcomed back by so many, even
though we were only gone for two weeks. It feels really wonderful to be back
amongst my friends on the List and all over the world.   Now in response to
my posting about being too attached to my gentle giant, I have come to the
happy conclusion that I am not as neurotic as I thought I was, and if I am
then I have lots and lots of company.  Seriously though, for all of you who
responded so positively, I wanted you to know that your support was so
gratifying and really helped to lift my spirits.  Stevie has had a pretty
good day today, but getting him outside still proves to be a harrowing
experience at times.  Only because there is so much ice around.  But once
again, my neighbors to the rescue, today someone came in with a dozer and
scraped my driveway down to the pavement and cleared a bigger area out
behind the house where we could walk more safely.  I had bought Stevie those
little baby socks that have the rubber sticky things on the bottom so that
he would have better grip on the ice, he seems to really like them, he gets
rather excited when I get them out because he knows that he is going out in
the snow and cold.  However, I am just like a cow on ice and I need to get
some grippers for myself!!  Just tonight Stevie actually brought his food
bowl to me and placed it gently at my feet, this is something he used to do
before the accident on a daily basis, sometimes several times, so it did my
heart good to see an old amusing habit reenacted.  He is still pretty
uncoordinated and we have to be careful because he tends to walk into things
or lose his balance.  He still shakes quite a bit as well.  His main career
is still Sleep!! But just to hear him snoring loudly is music to my ears.
Thanks once again everyone, I don't know what I would do without you.  And
to the person who so generously gave me back my life-line with this computer
I am forever and lovingly indebted!! Love you Much!!
Berner hugs and gentle kisses
Karen and Stevie

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