Dear List,
I think Rhona's idea is a grand one!  But since we are both relatively "new"
listers we would need to know if this subject has ever been broached before.
I have been approached by several individuals about writing the "Stevie
Saga" for a couple of publications and I would be very pleased to donate his
story.  Could someone please let us know if this is a possibility.  I have
begun the story but as some of you may have realized from many of my
previous postings, I tend to write epistles.   It  is difficult for me to
write Readers Digest Condensed versions, mainly because I have so much to
say and write, but I am working at it.
Stevie has had a bit of a rough day, he has had several bouts of vomiting
(mostly bile) today and has been a bit more unsteady on his feet.   He has
slept away most of the day.  He has a vets appointment on Friday and
hopefully but hopefully he will show some improvement before then.  I will
keep you posted as to any further developments for those who are interested.
Berner hugs and gentle kisses
Karen and Stevie
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rhona Vantine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 10:23 AM
Subject: writing

> I've only been reading the List since last August so
> not sure if this idea has been approached before but I
> thought this morning what a wonderful idea it would be
> to capture some of the stories people send in about
> their Berners ......... and get them printed!  All
> proceeds to go to a Berner cause!
> It would be wonderfully informative, have gorgeous
> pictures and of course be a bestseller!!!
> Any thoughts on this???????
> Rhona (English) and Louis (Belgian)
> in The Netherlands
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