As a relative newbie to Berner-dom, can someone tell me what all these
abbreviations stand for?  It's all alphabet soup to me. :p  Also, which
ones (if any) of these titles can a dog still compete for, after he's been

I used to know most of the abbreviations used in AOL chat rooms, but I've
been out of the loop for a long while...

TTKIR (trying to keep it real),

- Alex Ford

"I am not young enough to know everything."
- Oscar Wilde

> [Original Message]
> From: Bonnie Conrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Berner list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 3/3/2003 8:27:43 AM
> Subject: Big Brag
> Hi everyone,
>   This is to let everyone on the list know that my berner just finished =
> his UKC Championship this past week-end. He is now U-CH, U-CD Pegasus =
> Azure Long-Time-Commin  CD, CGC. And Certified Therapy Dog.  Let me know =
> who to send my brag funds to. Now, it's on to open work. He is also =
> training for his draft title and tracking. Hope everyone has a great =
> day. Hug your furry ones.  Bonnie Conrad

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