
I do have to be careful about my comments on Large Breed  puppy Formulas for
dogs.I am not a Nutritionist and I do NOT want to mislead any new puppy
owners.  However, one of my concerns however lies in the fact that the pet
food industry wants to accommodate the consumer and some times it gets
rather trendy.

In reviewing research about large breed formulas I have found that most of
the research was conducted by the manufacturers of dog food and pet food
industry.  As we all know with large breed dogs there is inherited risk,
environmental stress, and nutrition affecting the well being and development
of the dog.  I have seen some Berner pups that were kept so lean that they
looked emaciated.  ( I am not talking about the typical lanky and awkward
stage in pups that are not mature dogs)

So - I am continuing to research this but I believe that excess weight on a
dog may be more of a culprit than what the exact ratio of protein in foods.
Owners still have to control portions and if Berner pups are not supposed to
have heavy exercise than it makes sense that the amount they are fed needs
to be considered.

I can share some of my resources with you and possibly you can share some of
yours with me.  I may not have looked at some of the independent research
that you may be aware of.

I am still learning and do read a lot from a variety of sources.  I do not
believe that many vets are well versed in nutrition - maybe vet schools are
changing this.  I think medical doctors were accused of the same thing at
one point?

But thank you!  I always appreciate your information and it often helps me
switch gears in my thinking.

Mark Mohapp

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