Hi Wendy!

At our training classes we play recall games (alot!) as well as the
following --
1 -- Shark-infested Waters -- this game works the Stay command with
distractions (so it may be a bit advanced for puppies.) 2 Rows of
chairs, one for each team.  The first player goes to the first chair and
stands by it, instructing Fido to Sit/Down & Stay. Once the first dog is
settled,, the ssecond player goes to the second chair and does the same
as the first player. And so on, each player/dog duo assuming a Stay
position by a chair. Once the last dog has gone to a chair, the first
dog/player combo leapfrogs past the last dog and goes to the next chair
(ideally, if there are 4 duos then there would be say, 6 chairs) and so
forth until all dogs have gone down the row and are now on the other
side of the room. If at any time, a player/dog duo breaks the Stay, the
team yells "Shark-infested Waters!" and the team  has to start over
again. It's fun.

2 -- Dress Your Puppy -- In this one, the goal is to get pups used to
being handled and having a t-shirt put on them. (Good to acclimate them
to such a thing -- sometimes medical emergencies can mean wearing
strange gear for a while.). Again, 2 teams. Each duo moves across the
room to a chair. There, the trainer or assistant will feed the pup some
really tasty morsels while the owner puts a t-shirt (or bandanna for
really tiny pooches). Then the duo heads back so another duo can start.
The dogs are pretty cute and funny.

3 -- Another version of this is to have the owner put the dog on a Stay
or drop a tidbit and use the Leave It command while sitting in the chair
and either reciting the alphabet or eating a candy bar. Best for dogs
with more advanced skills.

I'll ask our trainer for ideas when I see her this Saturday.
Hope this helps!

Catherine Young
Madison WI
Shadow, Mickey & Jenny

*** are you a cello teacher??

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