I will illustrate with the OFA elbow number of one of my dogs:


Here s what it means:

BMD = the breed
EL = Elbow
2763 = means that he is the 2763rd Berner to receive an OFA elbow
certification number
M = male
24 = the dog's age in months when the radiograph was taken
PI = permanently identified (he is permanently identified by both a DNA
profile and a microchip)

If you search the OFA database for my dog's entry, you will note that his
information is in green letters.  That means that I have agreed to release
all findings on him that are reported in green.

If you want to know how elbows and hips are graded (what it means to get
hips with grade E or G or F, etc., go to the web pages noted below.

www.offa.org/ofaed.html For information on how elbows are graded.

www.offa.org/hdgrade.html For Information how hips are graded.

It's wonderful when your puppy's dam and sire have excellent hip ratings and
certified elbow ratings, but you need to remember that the mode of
inheritance for hip and elbow dysplasia is polygenic (i.e., coming from more
than one ("poly") gene pair. These traits are more complex than the typical
dominant or recessive genetic trait. The additive interaction of the genes
can cause variable results and the gene can be easily passed on to other
generations without being identified).  As such, you would also like to know
the ratings of the brothers and sisters of the dam and sire to get a better
picture of your puppy's risk for inherited disease.

There is a very good (easy to read) article at the AKC Canine Health Fund
site on examining broader pedigrees at the following web address:
02.pdf (Collecting and Utilizing Phenotypic Data to minimize Disease: A
Breeder's Practical Guide).  While it is written for a breeder, PPOs can
also find it useful.  The author states that we do not have genetic tests
for many diseases and so we need to use phenotypic data (what you can see as
on x-rays of hips) to make informed breeding (or puppy buying) decisions.

Nancy Melone, Ph.D.
Mars, PA

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