This has been bugging me since she first mentioned the problem, I would
love to find out the answer!!   - Pat


I need help posting... ever since I got my new computer for Christmas I
have been unable to post to the list.

Pat Long has verified that I'm still subscribed.  I knew that already,
since I get the digests daily without fail.  I verified with my server
that everything is OK from their end.  Another computer teckie examined
my headings, through several test posts.  All seems to be fine there
too.  The only conclusion is that I may have some settings in a way that
prevents me from posting, therefore, I am requesting a response from
someone who has the same programs and IS able to post, as desired.  When
I try to post, I get NO return, no error message.  It simply goes off
into cyberspace somewhere.

The particulars (as I understand them... I'm not particularly computer
literate):  Windows XP/Microsoft Office 2002 XP;  Outlook Express 6.
My programs were installed by the folks that sold Dick the computer for
me, and I'm thinking that the default or chosen settings at the time of
installation are what is preventing me from posting.

Anyone out there have the same programs?  Can you post to the list?  If
so, can you correspond with me OFF the list, so I can learn what
settings you have, so that I can reset mine?

with Dick at a card game, and the fur kids under the deck keeping cool
"Hey, lemmee tell about the mousie"
"Quiet, Monty, it wasn't so great.  You probably got fleas from it"

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