Thought I responded to this to the group, but maybe not. It's not the fruit that is poisonous. It's the seeds. Actually, they're poisonous to people too. So as long as they're not chewing on the pits, they should be fine.

Andie Reid,
Wilmington, NC

Michaela Simmons wrote:


That's the first I heard that avocados are poisonous to dogs. Any chance you
remember WHERE you read this?  Neither of my 2 boys are fruit or vegetable
lovers ( unless they are sautéed in olive oil and sprinkled with sea salt !)
and I spend endless hours disguising their raw healthy veg somehow. The one
notable exception to their "healthy living aversion" is avocados - they line
up for it and drool like Niagara Falls. Thus, I feed them quite frequently.

The only thing I know about avocados is that they are rich in vitamin E. I
have no idea whether they are contraindicated for dogs. Still, both of mine
seem remarkably alive and thriving on it.

Maybe one of our vets or vet techs could expand on this?

Michaela, Harvey & Rupert

-- Andie Reid Wilmington, NC

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