>Hopefully, anyone having the interest to make the effort to join a list
as this one, is also willing to listen carefully to all the issues and
information discussed - from all points of view and with empathy. I
certainly hope to be able to read in future about anything and everything
that goes on in the dog world of Berner-listers, however controversial or


A brilliant post!

I joined this List some years ago now when my Bernese Sam was first
diagnosed with T-cell 3 Lymphosarcoma, I hit on Search and found Berner org
and then the mailing list! Such immediate support and friendship and such
wonderful advice!

This list has seen me through the sad time of Sam's eventual death, the
happy arrival of new Monster Pup Sim, our quarantine here UK during the F&M
(or Hoof and Mouth) awful experience, Barney's introduction and adoption and
recently My Sweet Sunny Girl's Spondylosis and problems!

I know gets a bit controversial at times, new ideas always welcome but never
forget when you reply to a post is always your choice whether you send
personal or add in to Berner-L!

Well, I have to tell you when Sam died, I had over 250 very personal mails
in next morning! And I had just mailed one person, to mail on my behalf to
the list as I didn't feel up to it! Many more came in next day!

The personal mails I get in now. Heck! So many very good friends! Is a great
priviledge to me to be a part of this World Wide Berner Community, I have
learnt a lot, at times have questioned! But always am proud to be a part of
a great bunch of people who love Berners all over the world! And very happy
to try and do my little bit to help!

Biggest Muddy Hugs from my lot, heavy showers again here tonight UK

All Love,

Jean, Sunny, Simmy, Barney and the Gang
Anyone wondering? Change of url for Longlease Site? Recently set up new
domain name, had hardly had chance to check it out before my almost system
crash at the weekend! Hoping this is working OK! A lot easier than the angel
fire website address! I can remember this one, hope it works! Still no new
Longlease Updates! Retrieving those pics and have still to re-Install my Hot
Metal Web Creation program. Did re-Install my PC Banking online and paid the
bills today! Essentials up and running! Getting there! Guess this is part of
mundane but I know you will all be pleased to know all well here despite
BigBad BugBear! And Sunny did five ten minute walks today and skipped along!
Bouncy Miss! Though still trying to stop her Wriggly Miss! Doing good
indeed! Thank you all for your help, support and so much love and

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