Dear List,
For any of you that are tired of "Stevie" stories please just push delete. I
shared this story with a couple of list friends this afternoon about
Stevie's trip to the ocean and was encouraged to post it.

   A dear friend of mine, invited Stevie and I to come on a picnic last
Wednesday. When we arrived at his house, which is about an hour and a half
away from me, he was there ready, with a picnic basket packed and a big
Stevie hopped into his truck and away we went to a very private beach.
Stevie has not been to the beach since last summer and I wondered if he
would remember how much he loved it. Stevie has had a rocky road since his
accident in January. Well when we arrived he leaped out of the truck and we
had a lovely picnic on the grass leading to the beach. My friend had thought
of everything, from food to a lovely bottle of wine and a big raw bone for
Stevie!! After supper, we proceeded to make our way to the water. The tide
was almost all the way out, so there was a long expanse of sand. My friend
and I stood back in amazement and watched my now completely well, big
beautiful boy, chase the waves and leap into the cold Atlantic waters. He
lapped at the salty liquid and just as quickly sneezed it out!!
I have to admit that I was in tears watching my "big puppy"
running and playing, without a care in the world. The beach was always
special to us last year and now that he is well and healthy it is even more
so!! My friend knew exactly what would lift my spirits and Stevie's
exuberance made my heart very full! I thank God each and every day for my
gentle giant and I do appreciate him more than I can say.
Karen and Stevie

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