In a message dated 6/12/03 7:37:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
 If you think the breed is in trouble, well, of course it is! It has been for 
sometime. But ask yourself what small part you can play in helping to make 
things better. The person you take the time to talk to when you're out walking 
your Berner. The submission to Berner-Garde or a health study. Assisting at an 
education or ways and means table at a regional show. Asking that lost looking 
person at a dog show if they need some help or information. There are so many 
ways to just dig in and help out!
Pat is so right! This is certainly one situation where the adage 'if you 
aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem' applies. If you love this 
breed, then you'll 'post' your dogs and use the findings to participate in 
the health studies, mentor a newbie or ensure they find a suitable mentor for 
their interests, contribute to the many, varied programs being conducted in the 
best interests of the BMD breed and community, befriend newcomers to your area 
or breed.... There are so many ways to help make things better. So many ways.

Anyone who does none of these IMO has no legitimate claim to complain.

Improvement cannot occur in a vacuum. Only entropy can....

All my hopes,

Vicky and the Horde =P~

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