Hi Tami,
What were your observations? Did you see roundworm hookworm or tapeworm
expelled immediately after eating this roadkill, what was the timeframe?

Did you not suspect that contamination happened because of eating
unprepared wild game meat from a grazing animal hence seeing worms as a
result and not as a cure from digesting hair. Domestic horses carry a heavy
worm burden if not treated regularly so I would imagine deer and moose
might be the same?

Rose T.

-----Original Message-----
From: tami winner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: June 13, 2003 12:14 AM
Subject: RE: Yuck

Yes, the hair from an animal does act as a natural wormer.

While living in Alaska, I would get a road kill carcas of a moose. We would
let the dogs eat the entire leg, hair, hoof and all. I know, it sounds

I think I would be concerned with why the chipmunk died, was it diseased?

Tami Winner
Merced, CA

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