----- Original Message -----
From: "Amy Kessler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Cabela's Customer Service" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Jane Heggen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Penny Turner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: puppies for sale <<#222895-416117#>>

> How can you say that you are on the same page as I am?
> A business that was interested in educating the public would have to have
> the attention of the person/people you are trying to teach, you have
> distracted them with cute little faces to look at and parents that have to
> listen to their kids beg for a pup.
> By allowing puppies to be on hand when you are supposedly trying to offer
> service to the public, you have taught them how one should NOT go about
> buying a dog, who is, by the way, not a toy that can be returned or tossed
> into the trash like other such impulse items purchased at your store.
> A responsible dog owner researches the breed they are interested in THEN
> searches for a responsible breeder that is looking out for the welfare of
> their breed. Not a puppy miller/back yard breeder that is breeding to line
> their own pockets. Where will this breeder be when the problems start?
> I guarantee it. Contract or not, these guys know HOW to get out of their
> contract and know that there is NO way to hold them to one. It does not
> a rocket scientist to figure that out.
> Our breed club holds many events where we let people see and meet the
> get as much information as they want about them as well as a way to locate
> some one that is worthy of their interest. There are NEVER any puppies for
> sale at that moment to promote an impulse sale.
> Just for your own knowledge, being an AKC breeder, or having AKC dogs does
> NOT make you a good breeder. It is just a piece of paper that says the dog
> is suppose to be a pure bred dog....even that is not guaranteed. AKC is
> simply a registration club not a governing body! If you want something of
value to
> put behind these people then I recommend you go to the National breed club
> and get a letter recommending the breeders you are showcasing. I highly
> doubt you will find that they support the people that are willing to sell
> their dogs out of a parking lot.
> Your company is absolutely NO different than a pet store selling poor
> quality puppies to unsuspecting families that come from less than
> people. I am sure the public will show you what they think by the drop in
> sales as well as the drop in customers. I will continue to educate every
> I come in contact with about how ignorant the management at Cabela's is as
> well as how self serving they are to put their profits above the values of
> another living being...........man's best friend, except at Cabela's.
> Amy Kessler

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