My wife is addicted to HGTV ( Home And Garden TV - dedicated to the
purchase, remodeling and redecorating of our homes).  I suppose that I
should thank my lucky stars because it's better than her former addiction to
The Weather Channel.

Anyway, Deb had HDTV on this weekend and they were doing a segment on Fisher
(sp?) Island - a VERY exclusive island community just off the coast of
Miami.  I was watching the segment (wondering how all those people got all
that money) when what to my wondering eyes should appear but two gorgeous
Berners !!  A resident was being interviewed and several clips showed her
with her Berners: Talking to them, playing with them, taking them for a ride
in her golf cart - one sitting up front with her paws majestically draped
over the front of the cart !!  I was smiling for the rest of the day.

If you get HGTV, keep an eye out for the episode featuring Fisher (sp?)
Island.  Our Berners are well represented :)

Mike, Deb
and Gertie

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