Hi everyone,

Thanks so much to those who sent such kind notes of support about our ordeal
with Jude and her scary bout of heat exhaustion.  I don't think I've ever
been so scared for a pup in my entire life.  I'm so pleased to say that we
have her home with us now.  She is quite sedated from the meds they gave her
to calm her breathing, but she's not showing signs of any lasting damage to
her health.  The minute I saw her tail wag in response to my voice from a
distance, I knew she was getting better.  I also got a lovely bump from her
nose shortly after getting her home...I've never been so happy to get arm

I guess this is a great lesson to us.  We had carried lots of water and
she'd been drinking, but wow! she got sick so fast.  I owe a great deal to
the young woman working at the park.  She broke some rules letting us get
the car down into the trails.  Not only that but she followed us to check
that everything was okay, helped us to the shed to hose Jude down and called
the vet to warn them we were on the way.  She'll be getting a nice bouquet
of flowers very soon because I have no doubt that her assistance may have
gone a long ways towards saving our Jude.  The staff at this vet clinic I'd
never been to were wonderful as well.  If I didn't have a great vet of my
own, I'd certainly consider taking my pups there all the time.  The staff
was very knowledgeable and spent a lot of time calming us this afternoon
while we had to leave Jude with them.

I see plenty of pampering in store for that Jude over the coming weeks!
Even her sister, Bear (a husky chow cross) was scared for her and is so
excited to have her home.  She's sitting watching Jude sleep now.  What a
good big sister she is!

Take care all.....and be careful of those pups in the heat.  I don't wish
this ordeal on anyone!


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