Hi Claire,
The Anconeal Process is located in the elbow and there is a condition
Ununited Anconeal Process. Not often seen in Berners its where the extended
piece of bone to the ulna fails to fuse to the ulna and causes tremendous
instability in the elbow. We call it the funny bone though anything but
funny if we strike it in the wrong place. Panosteitis is inflammation in
the bones aka growing pains, usually seen in the long bones of the leg but
can be exibited in the bones in the carpus. Anti-inflammatory drugs may be
necessary to assist the dog in not overcompensating and stressing other
joint groups however the owner must still be conscious that the problem
still exists and rest the dog and keep him leashed for short exercise
periods. Panosteitis is self limiting but can take a long time to resolve,
it severe cases the dog will be disabled and muscle tone lost hence the
necessity to alleviate the inflammation. Rimadyl and Metacam are often used
for this. If in fact the dog has UAP I would recommend xraying the hips and
other joint groups, failure for growth plates to close may be evident in
other areas. I would recommend seeking the advice of a board certified
orthopedic specialist and should surgery be advised to stabilise the elbow
you need a specialist with experience to do this delicate procedure.

Rose T.

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