On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 15:04:10 -0400 "jenn's visi.net" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I have a question on this topic.  My Berner boy is a little over 5 
> months.
> He still eats 3 times a day.  Can someone go over the logic of 
> eating fewer
> times a day?  I know I'm supposed to reduce it to 2x per day in a 
> month or
> so... and then at a year (I think), down to only one feeding per 
> day.

Dogs usually don't eat several meals a day. They are active in the
morning and in the evening when it comes to "hunting" and even then may
only eat once in the wild. Depending on what your breeder instructed you
to do I recommend twice a day so that they don't "gorge" themselves each
day but split the meal to 2 small bolus. Many people aren't home for a
noon time feeding so again twice seems to work out. 
My dogs are very good at telling time based on their eating patterns.
"mom, mom it's time to get up and feed me
Susan Ablon
Gweebarra BMD
Balch Springs, Tx

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