As hard as this is please keep in mind you do not help this puppy's
mother by saving this puppy. Mom is the slave of a puppy mill owner who
breeds dogs purely for profit and doesn't care where or how they end up.
The puppy mill owner who sold this puppy to a broker then to a pet store
doesn't see anything wrong with this puppy ending up in a small lucite
cage. Be brave and know that this puppy will eventually find a home but
if it sells too fast or for the asking price it will simply tell the
petstore owners that they need more of these puppies to make more money.
What you can do is print some material about Bernese from the
website on care and raising of the puppy and ask the store owner to give
it to the buyers. See if they will give the buyer your name and number
where they can contact you for questions and guidance. Be supportive of
the buyer if they contact you as they will not have any input from a
reputable breeder to fall back on. This situation will be occuring more
and more and we all need to know how to handle it and what to do. 

The main thing we all need to remember is never never never buy anything
from any pet store that sells any live dogs and cats (some would say any
animal but I don't have problems with things that you can flush, I know
this is probably not politically correct of me but it's just how I feel,

Susan Ablon
Gweebarra BMD
Balch Springs, Tx

On Tue, 29 Jul 2003 18:59:48 -0400 Rick Grinstead
> I went to a new pet store - Petland in Maryville, Tn. today to see 
> if 
> they carryInnova dog food - they do not - BUT they had a Berner pup- 
> just got it there - I felt so bad I could have cried - it was behind 
> a 
> lucite door in a small pen - any advise in how to get the word  
> about 
> this - it is a nine week female and they are asking $2,031.99 .   
> Please 
> help - this  sweetie doesn't need to be  growing up in a pet store - 
> unsocialized and alone.

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