Just looking for some thoughts.  Yukon is a 15 month old neutered male. He has been in 
training since he was 5 months old.  He attends "school" three days a week with a 
formal training class with Mom each week.  He is on a prong collar which is never 
needed for any corrections.  He is an angel.  However, I need some advice on what I 
call the "hoover" syndrome.  Recently, I have started longer evening walks and Yukon 
will not take his nose off the ground.  Unless I continuously feed while we walk I 
cannot keep his attention (or his head up).  He will walk into things if I let him!  I 
do not correct him as he responds to all commands with no issues.  He is not doing 
anything wrong but he is obsessed.  I am looking for ways to distract him from the 
ground.  He will be taking the CGC and if it is outdoors I fear I am fighting quite an 
uphill battle. Any thoughts?
Kristin O'Neill & Yukon aka Hoover!
South Boston

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