Install of MR3 went very well with no problem. (MR2 was horible lost sync with 
public folder for 1.5 week before patch was avalaible)

Benoit Perreault
Directeur des opérations

Groupe Névé / Névé Réfrigération Inc
1290 Labadie, Longueuil, Québec, J4N 1C7
T : (450) 677-9936 poste : 208   F : (450) 677-8005


[] On Behalf Of Linares, Mo A
Sent: June 17, 2010 11:40
To:; A list for BES Admin's to discuss issues,etc.
Subject: Re: [Bes-admins] Bes 5 MR3 installation

Sounds good

Thanks -

It seems these mr are getting bigger and bigger


[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 2010-06-17 11:35
To: A list for BES Admin's to discuss issues,etc.
Subject: Re: [Bes-admins] Bes 5 MR3 installation

I installed it w/o issues on one server that was running MR2 on 2003 Server:

Rebooted Server, verified everything came up clean
Stopped all BES services
Installed MR3 update
Rebooted server, verified all came up clean

Took about 20 minutes total


From: "Linares, Mo A" <>
To: "A list for BES Admin's to discuss issues, etc." 
Sent: Thu, June 17, 2010 11:32:32 AM
Subject: [Bes-admins] Bes 5 MR3 installation

Hi all,
Has anyone installed the new MR3 for exchange on a bes 5.01 server?
Any issues during installation or after
Whats the best way to install it - stop all bes services first or
leaving them running.
I have installed prior sp and mr either stopping the services or leaving
them running -

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