Hi all.

My BES just failed over in front of my eyes. I started to see some hung threads 
in Blackberry Monitoring and from the handful of people I looked at, they were 
all on the same Exchange server*. I thought I'd remember previous advice I've 
seen and kill the process for that Agent only. It didn't help, and a few 
minutes later I had a full failover situation.

Anyway, that aside, I am concerned that my Blackberry Monitoring Console still 
appears to indicate the old primary is active. As in, if I expand Blackberry 
Domain > Servers > <Old Primary> I can see all the Messaging Agents, in 
italics, with green dots. The <new primary> doesn't have any Messaging Agents, 
either in italics or normal type.

I've logged out, refreshed the browser window, etc, but nothing changes. It's 
as if nothing has happened. More worryingly, none of the green dots ever 
changed to red. My only indication of a problem was the Messages coming in.

What should I be seeing?



*PS - the last person I checked was on a different Exchange server.

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