I have been asked to do a MIB Doctors review of

The comments are attached.
You will note that this is preliminary review. There
are some generic comments which apply to all the
scalars and tables. Please take care of those and then
we will get onto the next phase.

Hope this helps.


Comments on draft-ietf-bess-mvpn-mib-02.txt

This is a preliminary review. Once the following points are 
taken care of, we can get down to a detailed in-depth review. 

1.  Abstract:
1.1 Please give the full expansion of MPLS/BGP
1.2 "In particular, it describes managed objects to configure and/or
     monitor Multicast in MPLS/BGP IP VPNs (MVPN) on a router."
    Is this for any router or, a "Provider Edge" router ? 
    Please fix accordingly.

2.  Introduction
2.1 PE - appears first time. Please give the full expansion.
2.2 Is the protocol for "exchanging VPN multicast" or 
    "exchanging VPN multicast states"? Please fix appropriately.
2.3 The expression "standard MIB" in the following is confusing: 
    "This document defines a standard MIB for MVPN-specific 
    objects that are generic to both PIM-MVPN and BGP-MVPN."
    Is there any special significance in the "standard" above? 
    If no, then please drop the word. 
    Are the objects "generic" to PIM-MVPN and BGP-MVPN or "common" 
    to  PIM-MVPN and BGP-MVPN ? Please change accordingly.
2.4 Please give the full expansion of the abbreviations occuring 
    for the first time in the document. (MPLS, L3VPN). 
2.5 The terminology section is a bit terse. Explaining the terms 
    that are used, with reference to the protocol documents will 
    improve readability.
     - MVPN, PE, PMSI/tunnels, 
     - C-multicast routing exchange protocol (PIM or BGP), 
       C-multicast states
     - I-PMSI, S-PMSI, provider tunnels
    This gives the overview of the MVPN MIB.
    The MIB module aims to provide "configuring and/or monitoring"  
3.1 In
    "This MIB enables configuring and/or monitoring of MVPNs on PE
    devices: the whole multicast VPN machinery....."
    "the whole multicast VPN machinery" is very difficult to define. 
    Please use precisely defined terms. 

3.2 In "To represent them,...."
    "them" seems ambiguous, please clarify. 

3.3 The diagram needs some explanation.
    What do the boxes represent? Tables ? The labels are meant to be
    table names ? The table names do not match the labels.
    What do the arrows signify? Please explain. 

3.4 The short explanation of the tables could be augmented with some
    information on what they represent and an idea of how they will  
    be used. ( RFC 4382 provides a good example).

MIB definitions:
4. MIB syntax checking:
   smilint -s -e -l 5 mibs/MCAST-VPN-MIB 2>MCAST-VPN-MIB.txt

   mibs/MCAST-VPN-MIB:289: [4] {hyphen-in-label} warning: named number 
`highest-pe-address' must not include a hyphen in SMIv2
   mibs/MCAST-VPN-MIB:290: [4] {hyphen-in-label} warning: named number 
`c-root-group-hashing' must not include a hyphen in SMIv2
   mibs/MCAST-VPN-MIB:291: [4] {hyphen-in-label} warning: named number 
`ucast-umh-route' must not include a hyphen in SMIv2
   mibs/MCAST-VPN-MIB:306: [4] {hyphen-in-label} warning: named number 
`sender-receiver' must not include a hyphen in SMIv2
   mibs/MCAST-VPN-MIB:307: [4] {hyphen-in-label} warning: named number 
`receiver-only' must not include a hyphen in SMIv2
   mibs/MCAST-VPN-MIB:308: [4] {hyphen-in-label} warning: named number 
`sender-only' must not include a hyphen in SMIv2
   mibs/MCAST-VPN-MIB:369: [4] {hyphen-in-label} warning: named number 
`rpt-spt' must not include a hyphen in SMIv2
   mibs/MCAST-VPN-MIB:370: [4] {hyphen-in-label} warning: named number 
`spt-only' must not include a hyphen in SMIv2
   mibs/MCAST-VPN-MIB:412: [5] {index-exceeds-too-large} warning: index of row 
`mvpnPmsiConfigEntry' can exceed OID size limit by 398 subidentifier(s)
   mibs/MCAST-VPN-MIB:534: [5] {index-exceeds-too-large} warning: index of row 
`mvpnSpmsiConfigEntry' can exceed OID size limit by 430 subidentifier(s)
   mibs/MCAST-VPN-MIB:649: [5] {index-exceeds-too-large} warning: index of row 
`mvpnIpmsiEntry' can exceed OID size limit by 430 subidentifier(s)
   mibs/MCAST-VPN-MIB:741: [5] {index-exceeds-too-large} warning: index of row 
`mvpnInterAsIpmsiEntry' can exceed OID size limit by 174 subidentifier(s)
   mibs/MCAST-VPN-MIB:810: [5] {index-exceeds-too-large} warning: index of row 
`mvpnSpmsiEntry' can exceed OID size limit by 687 subidentifier(s)
   mibs/MCAST-VPN-MIB:1016: [4] {group-membership} warning: notification 
`mvpnMvrfChange' must be contained in at least one conformance group
   mibs/MCAST-VPN-MIB:1127: [5] {group-unref} warning: current group 
`mvpnPmsiConfigGroup' is not referenced in this module
   mibs/MCAST-VPN-MIB:1211: [5] {group-unref} warning: current group 
`mvpnOptionalGroup' is not referenced in this module
   mibs/MCAST-VPN-MIB:8: [5] {import-unused} warning: identifier 
`NOTIFICATION-GROUP' imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF' is never used
   mibs/MCAST-VPN-MIB:23: [5] {import-unused} warning: identifier `MplsLabel' 
imported from module `MPLS-TC-STD-MIB' is never used

5. IMPORTS clause
   MIB modules from which items are imported must be cited and included
   in the normative references.
   The conventional style is 
        FROM MPLS-TC-STD-MIB                            -- [RFC3811]

6. Please update the MODULE-IDENTITY. (There are no syntantic errors.)
6.1 'ORGANIZATION "IETF Layer-3 Virtual Private
                  Networks Working Group."'
    needs to be fixed to 
    'ORGANIZATION "IETF BESS Working Group."'
    or something more appropriate.

    Following the conventions (including indentation style) will
    improve the readability. (e.g. RFC4382, RFC5132).

6.2 REVISION clause: follow the convention of RFC4131 sec 4.5
          REVISION    "200212132358Z"  -- December 13, 2002
          DESCRIPTION "Initial version, published as RFC yyyy."
   -- RFC Ed.: replace yyyy with actual RFC number & remove this note:
6.3 OID assignment: follow the convention of RFC4131 sec 4.5
          ::= { experimental 99 } -- number to be assigned
          ::= { <subtree> XXX }
   -- RFC Ed.: replace XXX with IANA-assigned number & remove this note 
   <subtree> will be the subtree under which the module will be 

7. Wherever possible, please provide references for objects used in the 
   MIB. The references will point to specific sections/sub-sections of 
   RFCs defining the protocol for which the MIB is being designed.  

8. MOs.
8.1 Scalar Objects: The name mvpnMvrfNumber may be misleading. 
    I would recommend the usage of the same naming style 
    as RFC 4382 e.g. mvpnMvrfs, mvpnV4Mvrfs, mvpnV6Mvrfs (instead of 
    mvpnMvrfNumber, mvpnMvrfNumberV4, mvpnMvrfNumberV6, ...) unless 
    there is some good reason to not do it. 

8.2 mvpnMvrfNumber OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX         Unsigned32
           "The total number of MVRFs that are present on this device,
            whether for IPv4, IPv6, or mLDP C-Multicast."
    o Please make the description precise. E.g. if it is the sum of 
      IPv4 MVRFs, IPv6 MVRFs and mLDP C-Multicast MVRFs state it 
    o The expression "present on this device" is used. 
      Does "present" imply "configured" MVRFs or "active" MVRFs.  
      If it is number of active MVRFs then one would expect that 
      the number will vary (increase or decrease). If that is the
       SYNTAX        Unsigned32 
       SYNTAX        Gauge32

8.3 For all the following scalars: 
    same comments as 8.2. 

8.4 mvpnGenAddressFamily OBJECT-TYPE
           "The Address Fammily that this entry is for"

8.5 mvpnGenOperStatusChange OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      INTEGER { createdMvrf(1),
           "This object describes the last operational change that
    o The name does not look right. From the SYNTAX and the DESCRIPTION
      it appears that this is about config or MVRF change rather than 
      "OperStatus" change. Please check and fix.  
    o Please confirm that the values in the row itself will not be changed
      after creation. ( you do not have a 'modifiedMvrfConfig')

8.6 mvpnGenCmcastRouteProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
       MAX-ACCESS    read-write
       ::= { mvpnGeneralEntry 4 }
    o You cannot have MAX-ACCESS    read-write for a row that may be 
      dynamically created. 
       MAX-ACCESS    read-write
       MAX-ACCESS    read-create 
      if you want to dynamically change that value, otherwise, 
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only 
      will suffice. 

8.8 mvpnGenIpmsiConfig OBJECT-TYPE
           "This points to a row in mvpnPmsiConfigTable,
            for I-PMSI configuration."
    o Please specify the expected behaviour when it is not an I-PMSI

8.9 mvpnGenInterAsPmsiConfig
    o same comment as above

8.10 mvpnGenRowStatus
    mvpnGenRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        RowStatus
           "This is used to create or delete a row in this table."
    o The description is inadequate for an implementor (and 
      others too). 
      Detailed specification/instruction must be given indicating
      which columnar objects  have to be set to valid values before
      the row can be activated; and whether columns in the row may 
      be modified when the status value is active. 
      Please do the needful. 
      (Ref RFC 4181 Sec 4.6.4.  Conceptual Table Definitions
           RFC 4382 MO mplsL3VpnIfConfRowStatus for one example.
    o You must have a mvpnGenRowStorageType or the DESCRIPTION of
      mvpnGenRowStatus must indicate what will happen to the row 
      after an agent restart

9. Similar comments (8.1 ~ 8.10) for the remaining tables in the MIB
   Particularly 8.10 for the RowStatus type objects 
   Please check and fix.
10. mvpnMvrfChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
       OBJECTS     {
       ::= { mvpnNotifications 2 }
    o should be  { mvpnNotifications 1 }
    o Include the MOs that the administrator/manager may want to 
      see in OBJECTS. 
11. The Security Considerations section does not follow the Security 
    Guidelines for IETF MIB Modules 

12.1 You seem to mandate MAX-ACCESS read-write/read-create for 
     compliance. Is this intended? Configuration capability MUST be 
     supported?  Please note that sec 2.  MVPN MIB says 
     "This MIB enables configuring and/or monitoring of MVPNs ..."
     The current compliance requirement contradicts the above claim. 
     Please check and fix.

     It is general and sound practice to allow for MAX-ACCESS 
     read-only compliance. Some implementations may support 
     monitoring but not configuration.  
     Please check and fix.

General nits:
13.1  Page-1  s/an portion/a portion/
13.2  Page-1  s/we'll/we will/ 
13.3  Page-5  s/ mvpnSpmsiTable\/Etnry/mvpnSpmsiTable/
        I think that the "/Entry" was removed from similar titles
        in the earlier draft as adivised by the document shepherd. 
        This one should be removed too. 
13.4 ID-nits:
     Checking nits according to http://www.ietf.org/id-info/checklist :
      ** There is 1 instance of too long lines in the document, the longest one
         being 4 characters in excess of 72.
      Checking references for intended status: Proposed Standard
      == Unused Reference: 'KEYWORDS' is defined on line 1381, but no explicit
         reference was found in the text
         '[KEYWORDS] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate 

14. There is another WIP L2L3-VPN-MCAST-MIB in the WG.
    Is there a good reason for not merging the 2 documents?
    Some clarification or pointers will be helpful.
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