On 5/11/17 07:33, Alvaro Retana (aretana) wrote:
On 5/11/17, 1:19 AM, "Adam Roach" <a...@nostrum.com> wrote:




Looking at the Shepherd write up and the Ballot, I see no mention of the
normative reference to RFC 7348, which is informational and part of the
Independent Submission stream. As I mention in my comments below, I can't
fully follow the technical contents of this document, but this seems like
a red flag to me and -- as far as I can tell -- it hasn't been discussed
yet. It's possible that the reference just ended up in the wrong section
(and should actually be informative), but it's not immediately obvious on
a casual examination whether that's true.
This document was originally scheduled for the Apr/27 Telechat, but as a result 
of Alia’s DISCUSS [1], the reference to rfc7348 was changed to Normative.  The 
WG was cc’ed during the discussion, and I then reran the IETF LC with the 
downref explicitly mentioned [2].  I have no concerns about it.

Yes, the Shepherd’s write-up should have been updated.

Thanks for the clarification. I'm clearing my discuss.


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