Hi All,

A working group last call has been requested for 
draft-ietf-idr-tunnel-encaps-07. Please reply to the list with your comments. 
As usual note we cannot advance the draft without participation from the group. 
Please get your comments in before October 20, 2017.

We previously had a WGLC for version -04, 
https://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/idr/current/msg18151.html, which failed 
to achieve consensus largely due to lack of participation. Since then there 
have been several revisions to the document and active discussion, so I hope 
we'll have better engagement this time and will be able to conclude this WGLC. 
I especially hope we can proceed forward since drafts in both OSPF and BESS 
normatively reference this draft, for this reason I've cc'd both the OSPF and 
BESS mailing lists.

The authors have already confirmed IPR during the previous last call, so we 
won't require that again. Of course, if there have been any changes to IPR 
status since -04, please do make the necessary disclosures.



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