
we really had great times together! Thanks for that. Thanks for your dedication and I wish you all the best.

Stéphane, welcome!


Le 01/12/2017 à 17:48, a écrit :
Alvaro Retana, 2017-12-01 11:16:
I am sad to report that Thomas Morin has decided not to continue as
bess Co-Chair due to the demands of his job.  Thomas: thank you for
all the effort you have put into the WG, we all look forward to your
continued contributions to the IETF!

Thank you Alvaro.

It has been an honor and a pleasure for me to co-chair l3vpn & bess,
trying to accompany the working group contributions and maybe
contribute a bit to driving it into useful directions. The great
experience of co-chairing with Martin was unarguably a plus in this

In consultation with Martin and the other ADs, we have asked
Stephane Litkowski to take on the role of bess Co-Chair. [...]
Welcome Stephane!

Welcome Stephane! :)
Be aware that co-chairing bess comes with the risk of being possibly
misrepresented [1].

And to all, many thanks for being great BESS contributors ; don't
celebrate too fast though: I'll still possibly be around lurking for
that little-thing-in-this-obscure-extended-community or the other thing
on which there can be something to nitpick about !  ;)

Bess regards,




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