Hi Saumya,

Apologies for the delay, and many thanks for some good comments and questions. 
Please see answers inline:

Hello Authors of  draft-ietf-bess-evpn-irb-extended-mobility:

I have following queries and comments about this draft 
Please help clarify.


MUST be at least equal to corresponding SYNC MAC sequence number
      if one is present.
Can we formally define what a “SYNC MAC sequence number” ?

[NM]: sure, will define in the next revision. It refers to sequence number 
received with the MAC SYNCed from another PE sharing the same ESI.


“MAC Mx with a sequence number that is higher than or equal to
   sequence number assigned to a LOCAL route for MAC Mx:
   o  PE MUST trigger probe and deletion procedure for all LOCAL IPs
      associated with MAC Mx.
   o  PE MUST trigger deletion procedure for LOCAL MAC route for Mx.

As per rfc7423, if equal sequence number is received, then the one published 
with lower vtep-ip is retained, and the other one is withdrawn.
While this section talks about probing it again.
This should be called out in the Interop section as well, for the co-existence 
of old rule and newly defined

[NM]: sure, that’s a good point. Will clarify in the next revision – 
essentially, the rule in RFC 7432 still needs to be applied to equal sequence 
number scenario, but a probe must as well be done for all associated IPs to 
handle transient race conditions. If indeed the host is attached to the PE with 
lower VTEP IP, a successful probe will force a sequence number increment and 
resolve the race OR lead to duplicate detection.

Quoting from  https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7432#section-15:

“If two (or more) PEs advertise the same MAC

   address with the same sequence number but different Ethernet segment

   identifiers, a PE that receives these routes selects the route

   advertised by the PE with the lowest IP address as the best route”

>>>> Section 
>>>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-bess-evpn-irb-extended-mobility-05#section-8.6

“   an inter-op scenario with a different implementation could arise,

   where a PE implementation non-compliant with this document or with

   RFC 7432<https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7432> assigns and 
advertises independent sequence numbers to MAC

   and MAC+IP routes”
How do we expect this implementation to inter-op, as it may expect two 
different MAC-only and MAC-IP advertisement from remote peers as well.?
Can we paraphrase this ?

[NM]: correct, for a scenario where no MAC route is advertised, a non-compliant 
implementation may send different sequence numbers for multiple MAC-IPs with 
the same MAC. Handling for such a scenario should be explicitly called out as 
well. Will add to next revision.

>>>> Section 
>>>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-bess-evpn-irb-extended-mobility-05#section-8.8

“Following a host move from PE1 to PE2, the host's MAC is

      discovered at PE2 as a local MAC via a data frames received from

      the host.”

Do we need to call out the misconfiguration case, where a probe may lead to DUP 

one from the (local learning) access side and other one across the fabric 
(overlay tunnel).

[NM]: Implementation don’t normally handle ARP from the core side to protect 
against such mis-configurations. This is an optional section that includes 
suggestions for better convergence. Hence, want to refrain from being too 
prescriptive about how n implementation may choose to protect from such 

>>>> Section 
>>>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-bess-evpn-irb-extended-mobility-05#section-10.4.1

“unfreezing the

      route at the FROZEN location will result in the route being

      advertised with a higher sequence number.”
Why are we tying probing with “unfreezing” ? FROZEN will typically indicate 
dropping of flows. Probing can still go on in parallel ?
Can this be called out explicitly.

[NM]: There is no probing requirement for unfreezing. This section is just 
explaining, how the unfreezing will resolve the scenario following removal of 
duplicate host from location A, regardless of whether the freezing and 
unfreezing is done at location A OR B (since duplicate procedure could cause 
freezing to happen at any of location A OR B). Hope, this clarifies.

>>>> Section " 
>>>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-bess-evpn-irb-extended-mobility-05#section-4.3.1";
>>>>  :
" [IP7, M1] is learnt as a new route at
   [PE3, PE4] and advertised to remote PEs with a sequence number of 0.
   As a result, L3 reachability to IP7 would be established across the
   overlay, however, MAC mobility procedure for MAC1 will not trigger as
   a result of this MAC-IP route advertisement"

If a host is moved with the same MAC, the following is still being following in 
current implementation(s):
- Either "MAC-only-route" or "MAC-IP-route" advertisement, the sequence number 
is bumped in both cases
- On receiving side,
      -  the sequence-number is picked up from "MAC-only-route" or 
"MAC-IP-route" and applied to MAC learnings
      - the bumped up sequence number leads a withdraw of "MAC-only" or 
"MAC-IP-route" from the inferior (earlier) publisher

Kindly help explain, if the text mentioned in “section 4.3.1” is creating some 
doubts regarding the way things operate with current standards.
Though I definitely believe that this literature does away with lot of existing 
I think we need to paraphrase this section atleast.

[NM]: If the MAC-IP following a host move is learnt with a different IP, this 
draft explicitly calls out the procedure to associate sequence number with the 
MAC + inheritance to ensure that sequence number is indeed incremented even 
with a different IP. If an implementation is already doing this, then we are 
good. Some early implementations assigned independent sequence numbers to each 
MAC+IP key that had problems in IP change scenarios.


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