On Aug 27, 2009, at 8:27 AM, aeo12 wrote:

> Apple will release the new Mac O/S 10.6 (Snow Leopard) tommorrow.  I'd
> like to upgrade to Snow Leopard early on, but won't do so until I am
> able to run SqueezeCenter.  I understand version 7.3 won't work with
> Snow Leopard.  Can the beta of 7.4 be used with Snow Leopard?  Is  
> there
> a particular nightly version that is more stable for a non-developer  
> to
> use?

7.3.4 nightly and 7.4 should both run on Snow Leopard.  Currently they  
will run in 32-bit mode, but I'm working on providing support for 64- 
bit mode.

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