sxr71;452622 Wrote: 
> Usable state on which planet? I mean the thing doesn't even show my
> player nor does it even show any players in the drop down box. So I have
> no volume control or play/pause control. When I set up a streaming
> player it doesn't even show since the whole right side of the "default"
> interface is dead. This is not usable for most humans.
> Also Trackstat fails to load. I got it to work once, but then it just
> died with that error. I'm going back to 7.3.4 and I wonder what kind of
> errors I will find there. 
> I hate to be so negative since I know the developers are really trying
> and they address issues very fast, so I will patiently wait.

Thats not normal at all web-UI is functional here ? did you clean the
browser cache. does it actually run .
what did you upgrade from or rather did you upgrade ? not a clean
install .
They did brake the "migration" a couple of releases (weeks ? ) back,
this because they renamed the aplication.

If you dare to try again id' say backup your old dB and settings (to
have when you go back to 7.3.x ) and remove every trace of earlier
Some folks here have managed to use some of their old settings file by
open them and editing the file path's.

You might have to manually clean out some things.

the 7.3.x and older 7.4 have exe named squeezecenter file path's with
.../squeezecenter in most places .

Some intermediate 7.4 had squeezebox.exe and a mix of squeezebox and
squeezeboxserver in folder paths.

Newer 7.4 is squeezeboxserver everywhere .

And I think they have made changes to the file path's in some OS .
This makes for an ugly upgrade.
This will be fixed in the official release, so that we don't end up
with a mess when upgrading ( i don't hold my breath on that one ).

Are you running windows ? as the program now have a new name it will be
considered a new application by your anti-virus and some firewall's



No it can NOT be controlled with iTunes....
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