Phil Leigh;564864 Wrote: 
> You need to do a full rescan after ANY artwork changes. This should fix
> all of your artwork issues.
> The only time an incremental scan works perfectly with artwork for me
> is if I add a brand new album.

Yes, thanks, this I know but:

1. Andy G once mentonied those problems should be gone with the new
rewritten scanner.

2. Some weeks ago it was told that EMBEDDED artwork is now recognized
by a rescan

3. The main thing that makes me wonder:
I was used to see that changed arwork isn't recognized by a rescan, ok
... BUT: This time the "folder.jpg" is already in the SC-database and
now it is DELETED from the database by rescan although it is still
there. And this change is to be seen only while browsing (not when You
play the album...)

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