NogNeetMachinaal;656852 Wrote: 
> What are the main differences compared to 7.6 ?
> Any change on combining it with a SqueezePlay version that is able to
> sync reliable? At least for streams used in the local network?
The forum's search tool is your friend. This is a good place to start:

Sync'ing with SqueezePlay isn't part of the agenda. First, SqueezePlay
is perpetual-beta software. It's largely a tool for development, and
not intended as end-user software (even though it works quite well at
that). So don't expect a lot of scarce development resources to go into
it. Second, the sync challenges are largely outside the control of the
server, as it depends on the vagaries of the infinite hardware and
software combinations on computers running SqueezePlay. It's not a
nice, predictable, controlled environment like a hardware SB.

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