I've been trying the image proxy and all seems to work with my AMX
system except for Flickr images.  With flickr images the url received
with the image tag is partially URL encoded:


Where as everything else I've seen isn't and this URL encoding seems to
break a function that's used to change the path and file of the
displayed image on my AMX panels since the commands to change those
values in AMX are also prefaced with % so me thinks that the AMX
function also has bugs since a % that's not followed a valid AMX commad
such as %F, %A, %P, etc should be ignored.  If I put the URL in a
browser it does return an image.

The same image from MySB.com works fine, no encoding.


I would assume that this is a bug in the image proxy code the / before
the file name didn't get encoded and one would think it would be all or
nothing. I don't really care about flickr but if I have it on my panel
it should work so for now I'll have to stick with MySB.com under the
performance tab.

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