Revision: 30358
Author:   joeedh
Date:     2010-07-15 03:43:09 +0200 (Thu, 15 Jul 2010)

Log Message:
forgot these

Added Paths:

Added: branches/bmesh/blender/source/blender/bmesh/bmesh_class.h
--- branches/bmesh/blender/source/blender/bmesh/bmesh_class.h                   
        (rev 0)
+++ branches/bmesh/blender/source/blender/bmesh/bmesh_class.h   2010-07-15 
01:43:09 UTC (rev 30358)
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+#ifndef _BMESH_CLASS_H
+#define _BMESH_CLASS_H
+#include "DNA_listBase.h"
+#include "DNA_customdata_types.h"
+struct BMesh;
+struct BMVert;
+struct BMEdge;
+struct BMLoop;
+struct BMFace;
+struct BMBaseVert;
+struct BMBaseEdge;
+struct BMBaseLoop;
+struct BMBaseFace;
+struct BMLayerType;
+struct BMSubClassLayer;
+struct BMFlagLayer;
+struct BLI_mempool;
+ok: we have a simple subclassing system, to layer in bmesh api features (and
+let people subclass the api).  There's also a separate, compile-time system
+that will end up being the back-end to a "lite" bmesh API for modifiers.
+there are two seperate and distinct subtyping strategies here.  one is with
+macros and struct inheritence, and the other is more dynamic.  this is because
+of two competing motivations for subclassing: the ability to code faster,
+less memory intensive BMTools that don't use adjacency info, and the ability
+to hook into higher-level API functions for things like multires interpolation,
+which needs much more then what is provided in the CustomData API.
+The first strategy is part of a plan to replace CDDM with a bmesh-like API
+(which is much easier for me then rewriting array, mirror, in CDDM, which
+would be a huge pain).
+/*note: it is very important for BMHeader to start with two
+  pointers. this is a requirement of mempool's method of
+  iteration.
+typedef struct BMHeader {
+       void *data; /*customdata layers*/
+       void *layerdata; /*dynamic subclass data, doesn't include BMTool and 
adjacency which use a static compile-time method */
+       int eid; /*element id*/
+       short type; /*element geometric type (verts/edges/loops/faces)*/
+       short flag; /*this would be a CD layer, see below*/
+       short eflag1, eflag2;
+       int sysflag, index; /*note: do *not* touch sysflag! and use 
BMINDEX_GET/SET macros for index*/
+       struct BMFlagLayer *flags;
+} BMHeader;
+/*note: need some way to specify custom locations for custom data layers.  so 
we can
+make them point directly into structs.  and some way to make it only happen to 
+active layer, and properly update when switching active layers.*/
+/*alloc type a: smallest mesh possible*/
+#define BM_BASE_VHEAD\
+       BMHeader head;\
+       float co[3];\
+       float no[3];
+typedef struct BMBaseVert {
+} BMBaseVert;
+#define BM_BASE_EHEAD(vtype)\
+       BMHeader head;\
+       struct vtype *v1, *v2;
+typedef struct BMBaseEdge {
+       BM_BASE_EHEAD(BMBaseVert)
+} BMBaseEdge;
+#define BM_BASE_LHEAD(vtype, etype, ltype)\
+       BMHeader head;\
+       struct vtype *v;\
+       struct etype *e;\
+       struct ltype *next, *prev; /*won't be able to use listbase API, ger, 
due to head*/\
+       int _index; /*used for sorting during tesselation*/
+typedef struct BMBaseLoop {
+       BM_BASE_LHEAD(BMBaseVert, BMBaseEdge, BMBaseLoop)
+} BMBaseLoop;
+#define BM_BASE_LSTHEAD(listtype, looptype)\
+       struct listtype *next, *prev;\
+       struct looptype *first, *last;
+typedef struct BMBaseLoopList {
+       BM_BASE_LSTHEAD(BMBaseLoopList, BMBaseLoop)
+} BMBaseLoopList;
+#define BM_BASE_FHEAD\
+       BMHeader head;\
+       int len; /*includes all boundary loops*/\
+       int totbounds; /*total boundaries, is one plus the number of holes in 
the face*/\
+       ListBase loops;\
+       float no[3]; /*yes, we do store this here*/\
+       short mat_nr;
+typedef struct BMBaseFace {
+} BMBaseFace;
+typedef struct BMFlagLayer {
+       short f, pflag; /*flags*/
+       int index; /*generic index*/
+} BMFlagLayer;
+#define BM_ADJ_VHEAD(etype)\
+       BM_BASE_VHEAD\
+       struct etype *e;
+typedef struct BMVert {
+       BM_ADJ_VHEAD(BMEdge)
+} BMVert;
+#define BM_ADJ_EHEAD(vtype, etype, ltype)\
+       BM_BASE_EHEAD(vtype)\
+       struct ltype *l;\
+       /*disk cycle pointers*/\
+       struct {\
+               struct etype *next, *prev;\
+       } dlink1;\
+       struct {\
+               struct etype *next, *prev;\
+       } dlink2;
+typedef struct BMEdge {
+       BM_ADJ_EHEAD(BMVert, BMEdge, BMLoop)
+} BMEdge;
+#define BM_ADJ_LHEAD(vtype, etype, ltype, ftype)\
+       BM_BASE_LHEAD(vtype, etype, ltype)\
+       struct ltype *radial_next, *radial_prev;\
+       struct ftype *f;
+typedef struct BMLoop {
+       BM_ADJ_LHEAD(BMVert, BMEdge, BMLoop, BMFace)
+} BMLoop;
+typedef struct BMLoopList {
+       BM_BASE_LSTHEAD(BMLoopList, BMLoop)
+} BMLoopList;
+#define BM_ADJ_FHEAD\
+typedef struct BMFace {
+       BM_ADJ_FHEAD
+} BMFace;
+/*this is part of the lower-level face splitting API, higer-level
+stuff will be preferred*/
+typedef struct BMFaceCut {
+       BMLoop *l1, *l2;
+       ListBase origface_loops;
+       ListBase newface_loops;
+       BMFace *new_f; /*empty new face to be filled by api*/
+} BMFaceCut;
+/*ok, in nearly (if not all) cases the subclasses will use CustomData to store 
stuff, but they store things
+here as well (except it's not saved in files obviously, or interpolating, or 
all the other things the CD
+system does)*/
+#define BMSC_GETSELF(bm, e, type) (void*)(((char*)((BMHeader*)(e))->layerdata) 
+ bm->layer_offsets[(type)->__index])
+#define BMSC_DEFAULT_LAYERSIZE sizeof(LayerType)
+#define BM_SUBCLASS_HEAD       struct BMLayerType *type; int __index;
+typedef struct BMSubClassLayer {
+} BMSubClassLayer;
+typedef struct BMLayerType {
+       int vsize, esize, lsize, fsize;
+       int meshsize; /*size of custom mesh structure, if exists*/
+       /*note that allocation is done entirely outside of the subclass 
functions, thus the need for
+         the above struct size parameters*/
+       void (*new_mesh)(struct BMesh *bm, void *self);
+       void (*free_mesh)(struct BMesh *bm, void *self);
+       /*these functions may return NULL if this child class doesn't need to 
store anything
+       outside of the CustomData API*/
+       void (*new_vert)(struct BMesh *bm, BMBaseVert *v, void *self);
+       void (*new_edge)(struct BMesh *bm, BMBaseEdge *e, void *self); 
+       void (*new_loop)(struct BMesh *bm, BMBaseLoop *l, void *self, 
BMBaseFace *f);
+       void (*new_face)(struct BMesh *bm, BMBaseFace *f, void *self);
+       void (*free_vert)(struct BMesh *bm, BMBaseVert *v);
+       void (*free_edge)(struct BMesh *bm, BMBaseEdge *e);
+       void (*free_loop)(struct BMesh *bm, BMBaseLoop *l);
+       void (*free_face)(struct BMesh *bm, BMBaseFace *f);
+       void (*copy_vert)(struct BMesh *bm, BMBaseVert *v);
+       void (*copy_edge)(struct BMesh *bm, BMBaseEdge *e);
+       void (*copy_loop)(struct BMesh *bm, BMBaseLoop *l);
+       void (*copy_face)(struct BMesh *bm, BMBaseFace *f);
+       /*hrm, I wonder if I should have this at all, faces_from_faces might be
+         better all by itself*/
+       void (*split_face)(struct BMesh *bm, void *f, BMFaceCut *cuts, int 
+       /*interpolates non-CustomData-stored data.  faces in dest overlap some 
or all faces in source*/
+       void (*faces_from_faces)(struct BMesh *bm, BMFace **sources, int 
totsource, BMFace **dests, int totdest);
+       int required_base_layers; /*sets if BMTool flags or adjacency data 
layers are needed*/
+       int customdata_required_layers; /*mask of required CD layers*/
+} BMLayerType;
+typedef struct BMesh {
+       int totvert, totedge, totloop, totface;
+       int totvertsel, totedgesel, totfacesel;
+       /*element pools*/
+       struct BLI_mempool *vpool, *epool, *lpool, *fpool;
+       /*subclass data layer pools*/
+       struct BLI_mempool *svpool, *sepool, *slpool, *sfpool;
+       /*operator api stuff*/
+       struct BLI_mempool *toolflagpool;
+       int stackdepth;
+       struct BMOperator *currentop;
+       CustomData vdata, edata, ldata, pdata;
+       struct BLI_mempool *looplistpool;
+       /*stuff for compile-time subclassing*/
+       int baselevel, totlayer;
+       BMSubClassLayer *layers; /*does not include base types*/
+       int *layer_offsets;
+       /*should be copy of scene select mode*/
+       int selectmode;
+       /*ID of the shape key this bmesh came from*/
+       int shapenr;
+       int walkers, totflags;
+       ListBase selected, error_stack;
+       BMFace *act_face;
+       ListBase errorstack;
+} BMesh;
+void BM_Copy_Vert(BMesh *bm, BMVert *destv, BMVert *source);
+void BM_Copy_Edge(BMesh *bm, BMEdge *deste, BMEdge *source);
+void BM_Copy_Loop(BMesh *bm, BMLoop *destl, BMLoop *source);
+void BM_Copy_Face(BMesh *bm, BMFace *destf, BMFace *source);
+#define LAYER_BASE     1
+#define LAYER_TOOL     2
+#define LAYER_ADJ      4
+#define MAX_LAYERS     2 /*does not include base*/
+#define BM_VERT                1
+#define BM_EDGE                2
+#define BM_LOOP                4
+#define BM_FACE                8
+#endif /* _BMESH_CLASS_H */

Added: branches/bmesh/blender/source/blender/bmesh/intern/bmesh_newcore.c
--- branches/bmesh/blender/source/blender/bmesh/intern/bmesh_newcore.c          
                (rev 0)
+++ branches/bmesh/blender/source/blender/bmesh/intern/bmesh_newcore.c  
2010-07-15 01:43:09 UTC (rev 30358)
@@ -0,0 +1,1204 @@
+#include "BLI_math_vector.h"
+#include "BKE_utildefines.h"
+#include "BKE_customdata.h"
+#include "BKE_DerivedMesh.h"
+#include "BLI_blenlib.h"
+#include "BLI_mempool.h"
+#include "BLI_ghash.h"
+#include "BLI_array.h"
+#include "DNA_listBase.h"
+#include "bmesh_class.h"
+#include "bmesh_iterators.h"
+#include "bmesh_private.h"
+/*note: first three layers, base through adjacency, do *not* use the
+  LayerType system for speed/memory cache efficiency and whatnot*/
+static void inherit_vert(BMesh *bm, BMBaseVert *v)
+       int i;
+       for (i=0; i<bm->totlayer; i++) {
+               void *ldata = BMSC_GETSELF(bm, v, bm->layers+i);
+               bm->layers[i].type->new_vert(bm, v, ldata);
+       }
+       if (bm->baselevel >= LAYER_ADJ) {
+               /*not sure anything is needed here either, verts generally come 
first before all else*/
+       }   
+static void inherit_edge(BMesh *bm, BMBaseEdge *ebase)
+       int i;
+       if (bm->baselevel >= LAYER_ADJ) {
+               BMEdge *e = (BMEdge*)ebase;
+               bmesh_disk_append_edge(e, e->v1);
+               bmesh_disk_append_edge(e, e->v2);
+       }
+       for (i=0; i<bm->totlayer; i++) {
+               void *ldata = BMSC_GETSELF(bm, ebase, bm->layers+i);
+               bm->layers[i].type->new_edge(bm, ebase, ldata);
+       }
+static void inherit_loop(BMesh *bm, BMBaseLoop *l, BMBaseFace *f)
+       int i;
+       for (i=0; i<bm->totlayer; i++) {
+               void *self;
+               if (!bm->layers[i].type->new_loop) continue;
+               self = BMSC_GETSELF(bm, l, &bm->layers[i]);
+               bm->layers[i].type->new_loop(bm, (BMBaseLoop*)l, self, 
+       }
+static void inherit_face(BMesh *bm, BMBaseFace *basef)
+       int i;
+       for (i=0; i<bm->totlayer; i++) {

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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