Commit: 60600dd36e69bf02626ea9c08f7600d0f9dd1402
Author: Sebastián Barschkis
Date:   Sat Jun 24 18:52:41 2017 +0200
Branches: fluid-mantaflow

updated manta obstacle velocity

some more improvements to obstacle velocities in mantaflow. now manta only 
accepts mac grids. any resampling from vec3 to mac needs to be done before 
calling wall function.


M       intern/mantaflow/intern/manta_pp/omp/plugin/extforces.cpp
M       intern/mantaflow/intern/manta_pp/tbb/plugin/extforces.cpp
M       intern/mantaflow/intern/strings/liquid_script.h
M       intern/mantaflow/intern/strings/smoke_script.h


diff --git a/intern/mantaflow/intern/manta_pp/omp/plugin/extforces.cpp 
index ad96422d1cc..7c1d71e5169 100644
--- a/intern/mantaflow/intern/manta_pp/omp/plugin/extforces.cpp
+++ b/intern/mantaflow/intern/manta_pp/omp/plugin/extforces.cpp
@@ -224,22 +224,17 @@ void setInflowBcs(MACGrid& vel, string dir, Vec3 value) {
 // set obstacle boundary conditions
 //! set no-stick wall boundary condition between ob/fl and ob/ob cells
- struct KnSetWallBcs : public KernelBase { KnSetWallBcs(FlagGrid& flags, 
MACGrid& vel, Grid<Vec3>* obvel) :  KernelBase(&flags,0) 
,flags(flags),vel(vel),obvel(obvel)   { runMessage(); run(); }  inline void 
op(int i, int j, int k, FlagGrid& flags, MACGrid& vel, Grid<Vec3>* obvel )  {
+ struct KnSetWallBcs : public KernelBase { KnSetWallBcs(FlagGrid& flags, 
MACGrid& vel, MACGrid* obvel) :  KernelBase(&flags,0) 
,flags(flags),vel(vel),obvel(obvel)   { runMessage(); run(); }  inline void 
op(int i, int j, int k, FlagGrid& flags, MACGrid& vel, MACGrid* obvel )  {
        bool curFluid = flags.isFluid(i,j,k);
        bool curObs   = flags.isObstacle(i,j,k);
        Vec3 bcsVel(0.,0.,0.);
        if (!curFluid && !curObs) return;
-       // optional obstacle velocities. interpolate centered obvels or just 
copy obvels (for MAC grids)
        if (obvel) {
-               bool isMACObvel = obvel->getType() & GridBase::TypeMAC;
-               if (i>0 && (*obvel)(i,j,k).x)
-                       bcsVel.x = (isMACObvel || !(*obvel)(i-1,j,k).x) ? 
(*obvel)(i,j,k).x : 0.5*((*obvel)(i-1,j,k).x + (*obvel)(i,j,k).x);
-               if (j>0 && (*obvel)(i,j,k).y)
-                       bcsVel.y = (isMACObvel || !(*obvel)(i,j-1,k).y) ? 
(*obvel)(i,j,k).y : 0.5*((*obvel)(i,j-1,k).y + (*obvel)(i,j,k).y);
-               if (k>0 && (*obvel)(i,j,k).z)
-                       bcsVel.z = (isMACObvel || !(*obvel)(i,j,k-1).z) ? 
(*obvel)(i,j,k).z : 0.5*((*obvel)(i,j,k-1).z + (*obvel)(i,j,k).z);
+               bcsVel.x = (*obvel)(i,j,k).x;
+               bcsVel.y = (*obvel)(i,j,k).y;
+               if(!(*obvel).is3D()) bcsVel.z = (*obvel)(i,j,k).z;
        // we use i>0 instead of bnd=1 to check outer wall
@@ -260,7 +255,7 @@ void setInflowBcs(MACGrid& vel, string dir, Vec3 value) {
                if (vel.is3D() && ((k>0 && flags.isStick(i,j,k-1)) || 
(k<flags.getSizeZ()-1 && flags.isStick(i,j,k+1))))
                        vel(i,j,k).x = vel(i,j,k).y = 0;
-}   inline FlagGrid& getArg0() { return flags; } typedef FlagGrid type0;inline 
MACGrid& getArg1() { return vel; } typedef MACGrid type1;inline Grid<Vec3>* 
getArg2() { return obvel; } typedef Grid<Vec3> type2; void runMessage() { 
debMsg("Executing kernel KnSetWallBcs ", 3); debMsg("Kernel range" <<  " x "<<  
maxX  << " y "<< maxY  << " z "<< minZ<<" - "<< maxZ  << " "   , 4); }; void 
run() {  const int _maxX = maxX; const int _maxY = maxY; if (maxZ > 1) { 
+}   inline FlagGrid& getArg0() { return flags; } typedef FlagGrid type0;inline 
MACGrid& getArg1() { return vel; } typedef MACGrid type1;inline MACGrid* 
getArg2() { return obvel; } typedef MACGrid type2; void runMessage() { 
debMsg("Executing kernel KnSetWallBcs ", 3); debMsg("Kernel range" <<  " x "<<  
maxX  << " y "<< maxY  << " z "<< minZ<<" - "<< maxZ  << " "   , 4); }; void 
run() {  const int _maxX = maxX; const int _maxY = maxY; if (maxZ > 1) { 
 #pragma omp parallel 
 #pragma omp for  
@@ -268,7 +263,7 @@ void setInflowBcs(MACGrid& vel, string dir, Vec3 value) {
 #pragma omp parallel 
 #pragma omp for  
-  for (int j=0; j < _maxY; j++) for (int i=0; i < _maxX; i++) 
op(i,j,k,flags,vel,obvel);  } }  } FlagGrid& flags; MACGrid& vel; Grid<Vec3>* 
obvel;   };
+  for (int j=0; j < _maxY; j++) for (int i=0; i < _maxX; i++) 
op(i,j,k,flags,vel,obvel);  } }  } FlagGrid& flags; MACGrid& vel; MACGrid* 
obvel;   };
 #line 171 "plugin/extforces.cpp"
@@ -276,11 +271,11 @@ void setInflowBcs(MACGrid& vel, string dir, Vec3 value) {
 //! set wall BCs for fill fraction mode, note - only needs obstacle SDF
- struct KnSetWallBcsFrac : public KernelBase { KnSetWallBcsFrac(FlagGrid& 
flags, MACGrid& vel, MACGrid& velTarget, Grid<Real>* phiObs, const int 
&boundaryWidth=0) :  KernelBase(&flags,0) 
   { runMessage(); run(); }  inline void op(int i, int j, int k, FlagGrid& 
flags, MACGrid& vel, MACGrid& velTarget, Grid<Real>* phiObs, const int 
&boundaryWidth=0 )  { 
+ struct KnSetWallBcsFrac : public KernelBase { KnSetWallBcsFrac(FlagGrid& 
flags, MACGrid& vel, MACGrid& velTarget, MACGrid* obvel, Grid<Real>* phiObs, 
const int &boundaryWidth=0) :  KernelBase(&flags,0) 
   { runMessage(); run(); }  inline void op(int i, int j, int k, FlagGrid& 
flags, MACGrid& vel, MACGrid& velTarget, MACGrid* obvel, Grid<Real>* phiObs, 
const int &boundaryWidth=0 )  { 
        bool curFluid = flags.isFluid(i,j,k);
        bool curObs   = flags.isObstacle(i,j,k);
        velTarget(i,j,k) = vel(i,j,k);
-       if (!curFluid && !curObs) return; 
+       if (!curFluid && !curObs) return;
        // zero normal component in all obstacle regions
        if(flags.isInBounds(Vec3i(i,j,k),1)) {
@@ -306,7 +301,11 @@ void setInflowBcs(MACGrid& vel, string dir, Vec3 value) {
                Vec3 velMAC = vel.getAtMACX(i,j,k);
-               velTarget(i,j,k).x = velMAC.x - dot(dphi, velMAC) * dphi.x; 
+               velTarget(i,j,k).x = velMAC.x - dot(dphi, velMAC) * dphi.x;
+               if (obvel) {
+                       Vec3 obvelMAC = (*obvel).getAtMACX(i,j,k);
+                       velTarget(i,j,k).x += dot(dphi, obvelMAC) * dphi.x;
+               }
        if( curObs | flags.isObstacle(i,j-1,k) )  { 
@@ -329,7 +328,11 @@ void setInflowBcs(MACGrid& vel, string dir, Vec3 value) {
                Vec3 velMAC = vel.getAtMACY(i,j,k);
-               velTarget(i,j,k).y = velMAC.y - dot(dphi, velMAC) * dphi.y; 
+               velTarget(i,j,k).y = velMAC.y - dot(dphi, velMAC) * dphi.y;
+               if (obvel) {
+                       Vec3 obvelMAC = (*obvel).getAtMACY(i,j,k);
+                       velTarget(i,j,k).y += dot(dphi, obvelMAC) * dphi.y;
+               }
        if( phiObs->is3D() && (curObs | flags.isObstacle(i,j,k-1)) )  {
@@ -353,34 +356,38 @@ void setInflowBcs(MACGrid& vel, string dir, Vec3 value) {
                Vec3 velMAC = vel.getAtMACZ(i,j,k);
-               velTarget(i,j,k).z = velMAC.z - dot(dphi, velMAC) * dphi.z; 
+               velTarget(i,j,k).z = velMAC.z - dot(dphi, velMAC) * dphi.z;
+               if (obvel) {
+                       Vec3 obvelMAC = (*obvel).getAtMACZ(i,j,k);
+                       velTarget(i,j,k).z += dot(dphi, obvelMAC) * dphi.z;
+               }
        } // not at boundary
-}   inline FlagGrid& getArg0() { return flags; } typedef FlagGrid type0;inline 
MACGrid& getArg1() { return vel; } typedef MACGrid type1;inline MACGrid& 
getArg2() { return velTarget; } typedef MACGrid type2;inline Grid<Real>* 
getArg3() { return phiObs; } typedef Grid<Real> type3;inline const int& 
getArg4() { return boundaryWidth; } typedef int type4; void runMessage() { 
debMsg("Executing kernel KnSetWallBcsFrac ", 3); debMsg("Kernel range" <<  " x 
"<<  maxX  << " y "<< maxY  << " z "<< mi [...]
+}   inline FlagGrid& getArg0() { return flags; } typedef FlagGrid type0;inline 
MACGrid& getArg1() { return vel; } typedef MACGrid type1;inline MACGrid& 
getArg2() { return velTarget; } typedef MACGrid type2;inline MACGrid* getArg3() 
{ return obvel; } typedef MACGrid type3;inline Grid<Real>* getArg4() { return 
phiObs; } typedef Grid<Real> type4;inline const int& getArg5() { return 
boundaryWidth; } typedef int type5; void runMessage() { debMsg("Executing 
kernel KnSetWallBcsFrac ", 3); debMs [...]
 #pragma omp parallel 
 #pragma omp for  
-  for (int k=minZ; k < maxZ; k++) for (int j=0; j < _maxY; j++) for (int i=0; 
i < _maxX; i++) op(i,j,k,flags,vel,velTarget,phiObs,boundaryWidth);  } } else { 
const int k=0; 
+  for (int k=minZ; k < maxZ; k++) for (int j=0; j < _maxY; j++) for (int i=0; 
i < _maxX; i++) op(i,j,k,flags,vel,velTarget,obvel,phiObs,boundaryWidth);  } } 
else { const int k=0; 
 #pragma omp parallel 
 #pragma omp for  
-  for (int j=0; j < _maxY; j++) for (int i=0; i < _maxX; i++) 
op(i,j,k,flags,vel,velTarget,phiObs,boundaryWidth);  } }  } FlagGrid& flags; 
MACGrid& vel; MACGrid& velTarget; Grid<Real>* phiObs; const int& boundaryWidth; 
-#line 200 "plugin/extforces.cpp"
+  for (int j=0; j < _maxY; j++) for (int i=0; i < _maxX; i++) 
op(i,j,k,flags,vel,velTarget,obvel,phiObs,boundaryWidth);  } }  } FlagGrid& 
flags; MACGrid& vel; MACGrid& velTarget; MACGrid* obvel; Grid<Real>* phiObs; 
const int& boundaryWidth;   };
+#line 207 "plugin/extforces.cpp"
 //! set zero normal velocity boundary condition on walls
 // (optionally with second order accuracy using the obstacle SDF , fractions 
grid currentlyl not needed)
-void setWallBcs(FlagGrid& flags, MACGrid& vel, Grid<Vec3>* obvel = 0, MACGrid* 
fractions = 0, Grid<Real>* phiObs = 0, int boundaryWidth=0) {
+void setWallBcs(FlagGrid& flags, MACGrid& vel, MACGrid* obvel = 0, MACGrid* 
fractions = 0, Grid<Real>* phiObs = 0, int boundaryWidth=0) {
        if(!phiObs) {
                KnSetWallBcs(flags, vel, obvel);
        } else {
                MACGrid tmpvel(vel.getParent());
-               KnSetWallBcsFrac(flags, vel, tmpvel, phiObs, boundaryWidth);
+               KnSetWallBcsFrac(flags, vel, tmpvel, obvel, phiObs, 
-} static PyObject* _W_5 (PyObject* _self, PyObject* _linargs, PyObject* _kwds) 
{ try { PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds); FluidSolver *parent = 
_args.obtainParent(); bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0); 
pbPreparePlugin(parent, "setWallBcs" , !noTiming ); PyObject *_retval = 0; { 
ArgLocker _lock; FlagGrid& flags = *_args.getPtr<FlagGrid >("flags",0,&_lock); 
MACGrid& vel = *_args.getPtr<MACGrid >("vel",1,&_lock); Grid<Vec3>* obvel = 
_args.getPtrOpt<Grid<Vec3> >("obvel",2,0,&_ [...]

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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