I could not give you a precise answer but many Blender modules are
completely written in C++, elbeem fluid simulator is one of them and
besides C and C++ have bridges that makes hybrid code possible.

I do agree with you that some tasks are easier to do in a completely
Object Oriented environment rather than a structured paradigm, readability
will be increased a lot among other benefits, perhaps in the future
Blender could be rewritten under a C++ base only but I don't see that
happen anytime soon, and C is not so bad after all ;)

                           Cheers   Farsthary

> I've looked in a lot of places and Googled, but haven't found any
> answer: What is the status of C++ in Blender? Should I just take a hint
> from the fact that it is almost all written in C, or is that an artifact
> of it being 15 years old?
> I know that it isn't the easiest language out there, but std::vector is
> kinda nice, and basic single inheritance, too. I have no problem with C,
> but that syntactic sugar of C++ is sweet in small doses.
> /LS
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