I'd say cuda8 is pointless for you right now, cause pascal gpu is not 
yet supported by the NV/OSX (Quadro-) drivers.

You would definitely loose openmp capability unless you compile and use 
a vanilla clang 3.7 which supports it.


Am 26.08.2016 um 18:11 schrieb Francesc Juhe:
> Hi,
> Some time ago noticed this commit 
> https://developer.blender.org/rB3a24e6320f31a790ea9d3c912a35db2186140b71 
> changing the nvcc compiler on builbot but I did not give it much though as I 
> was having no issues compiling with cuda 7.5 and clang 3.5 from libs folder 
> on OSX 10.9. But now with CUDA 8 it seems I have to update to OSX 10.11 and 
> Xcode 7.3.
> So, how does this cuda-hack work?
> Also, OSX buildbot builds seem to be compiled without OpenMP but release 
> builds are compiled with it. What are the appropriate steps for building a 
> release build?
> Thank you,
> Francesc
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