
The cycles unit tests are currently broken on windows, for various reasons
I'm working on getting this corrected, but consensus has not been reached
on how to properly do it. You can track progress here:

not mentioned in this diff, but you also need python 3+ in the path before
running the tests.

Funny you talk about finding optimizer bugs, would you mind taking a peek at , I haven't had time to isolate the
misbehaving code, (tried but problem went away) or look at the generated 
but given 2015/x86/release is the only configuration this bug shows up at, it 
does feel like an optimizer bug.


On 12/4/2016 4:06 AM, Gratian Lup wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a developer on the Visual C++ optimizer and was looking into adding
> Blender into our new test suite that contains dozens of popular/large
> open-source applications. This is meant to catch more bugs before releasing
> the product - it's a win both for us and the projects, which should have a
> much easier time upgrading.
> I followed the instructions to build Blender and it builds fine with VS2015
> Update 3, until I enable the unit tests using -WITH_GTEST in Cmake. There
> are a few unit tests that fail to build with linking problems. For example:
> o cycles_render_graph_finalize_test:
> error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _TIFFSetErrorHandler referenced
> in function "public: __thiscall
> OpenImageIO::v1_7::TIFFInput::TIFFInput(void)" (??0TIFFInput@v1_7
> @OpenImageIO@@QAE@XZ)
> o BLI_string_test:
> error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public:
> __thiscall std::basic_ostream<char,struct std::char_traits<char>
>> ::basic_ostream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> . . .
> The only way to avoid these problem was to disable WITH_CYCLES in Cmake, so
> that those test projects are not created in the first place.
> Is this a known problem? I used the master branch with the latest prebuilt
> libs for x86. The remaining tests build and run without problems, hopefully
> they will be useful to catch potential optimizer bugs.
> Thanks,
> Gratian Lup
> Visual C++ optimizer team
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