Hi all,

Here are the notes from today's 15 UTC (18 CET) meeting in irc.freenode.net
#blendercoders. Reminder: meetings are on Mondays now, next meeting is 5
Feb, 9 UTC (10 CET).

1) Blender 2.79 'a' release

The 2.79a release candidate build is ready for final testing.

* http://download.blender.org/release/Blender2.79/
* https://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:Ref/Release_Notes/2.79

There are some already reported (and fix) regressions in these builds. A
new release candidate (or a final build) will come soon.

2) Blender 2.8 projects

* Gaia Clary brought Collada back to Blender 2.8.

* Offline rendering (F12) implementation for Eevee is coming this week.
Anti-aliasing is still not there, but Clément Foucault is working on it.

* Depsgraph animation supported is getting there. Some artists are already
using it, and reporting directly to Sergey Sharybin. The modifier stack is
handled by Mai Lavelle. Tools are the biggest orphan/unknown for now.

Aside from that, he wants to check with Campbell Barton and Bastien
Montagne on long term implications of the current design. System is fragile
at the moment (any change in view layer or SceneCollection DNA break

* Dalai invites everyone to try the collection workflow in the outliner.
He's been working with Pablo Vazquez to polish it to production-ready

* Greasepencil has now lazy mouse (i.e., smooth strokes) and Antonio
Vazquez is now working on depth of field for greasepencil.

* Pablo Vazquez says that the UI team has been working on collections and
greasepencil topics. Including icons, panels and menus.

* Ray Molenkamp points everyone to his email on "Changes to Windows
Compiler Support.":

In particular his proposal of dropping 32 bits support for Windows. This is
a discussion topic, but eventually a decision has to be done for it.
Blender 2.8 may be ok.

3) Other projects

* Ton Roosendaal added a couple of ideas from last year at the GSoC page.

* Discourse forum installation is still ongoing. The backend team is still
struggling a bit with the servers but things will be ready soon.

4) Weekly reports:

* Bastien Montagne:

* Campbell Barton:

* Clément Foucault:

* Dalai Felinto:

* Philipp Oeser:

* Sergey Sharybin:

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