Hi all,

Here are the notes from today's 17 UTC (18 CET) meeting in irc.freenode.net
#blendercoders. Reminder: meetings are on Mondays, next meeting is 05
March, 09 UTC (10 CET).

1) Blender 2.79 'a' release

Final release will happen by Wednesday.

2) Code Quest

* The campaign is doing well. Note that the rockets will go up $10 in two

* The number of sponsors of all categories is also increasing steadily.

* Unless notified otherwise, the code quest will start April 9th with most
of the team arriving a week before. Campbell arrives March 16th, and Brecht
March 30th.

3) Blender 2.8 projects

In the coming days users should be able to use Eevee with multi-window,
non-blocking F12 renders, and compositor fully working:

* Multi-window support is coming later today. Clément Foucault is about to
merge the work he did with help from Brecht Van Lommel and Germano
Cavalcante. It also handles non-blocking F12 rendering for Eevee.

* Compositing / multi-layer rendering for Eevee is coming today/tomorrow as
well. Dalai Felinto is done with the changes required for Eevee. But Cycles
and sequencer are still pending.

* Workspace UI filtering is also ready. Campbell Barton to merge it early
this week.

* Antonio Vazquez announced he is working on textured strokes for grease

* Fracture Modifier proposal was posted and waiting more feedback:

In order to prepare everyone's expectation to the upcoming Code Quest,
Dalai Felinto will work with Pablo Vazquez in a richly illustrated blog
post with the current state of 2.8. It should be out in early March.

4)  Google Summer of Code and other projects

* We need more mentors for GSoC. Let Ton know if he should add you!

* Calendar: March 12th submission for students start, with reviewing period
during the 1st week of April.

* On-boarding forum (https://devtalk.blender.org/) should be officially
open soon. We still need to sort Blender ID login before it can be widely
announced though. We also need well defined ownership of the site with
admins/moderators, with granted autonomy to manage the site.

* Module ownership to be updated on wiki. For example, greasepencil owners
should be the developers Antonio Vazquez and Joshua Leung, with the artists
Daniel Pepeland and Matias Mendiola listed as team members.

5) Weekly reports:

* Bastien Montagne:

* Campbell Barton:

* Clément  Foucault:

* Dalai Felinto:

* Joshua Leung:

* Sergey Sharybin:

Best regards,
Bf-committers mailing list

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