Hi Torsten,

You can build Blender as a Python module [1], then you can import it
into your script. As a bonus, you won't even have to pickle/unpickle, as
you can directly access the data you're intersted in.

If you don't want this for some reason, I would recommend writing your
data to a file format that is independent of Blender's data model (like

[1] https://wiki.blender.org/index.php/User:Ideasman42/BlenderAsPyModule


On 02-05-18 00:20, tm...@s.netic.de wrote:
> Hello,
> Can I import bpy etc. in an own script (that is not running inside blender) to
> make use
> of these types?
> The background is that I would like to export some object data from within 
> python
> using pickle.dumps() and import it in an own script to further process it 
> there.
> Exporting works, but when importing (in a standalone script, not inside 
> blender)
> then the
> used data types are unknown.
> I would like to export / import data this way because a python export then 
> contains
> all data in he known format.
> It would be great if somebody could confirm / disconfirm if the bpy internal
> types can be used or not.
> Here is how I export the data:
> import bpy
> import pickle
> import zlib
> c = bpy.context
> d = bpy.data
> cp = pickle.dumps([c, d])
> cz = zlib.compress(cp)
> fd = open("/home/tmohr/blender/dcopy/dump.pz", "wb")
> fd.write(cz)
> fd.close()
> print("Done")
> Here is how I try to import the data again:
> import zlib
> import pickle
> import pprint
> import sys
> sys.path.append("/opt/blender-2.79a-rc-linux-glibc219-x86_64/2.79/scripts/modules")
> import bpy
> fd = open(sys.argv[1], "rb")
> cz = fd.read()
> cp = zlib.decompress(cz)
> c = pickle.loads(cp)
> pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
> pp.pprint(c)
> Thanks for any hints,
> Torsten
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Sybren A. Stüvel


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