
As I understood devtalk was setup as a dev 2 dev support site, I'm kinda
confused we invited end users to 'join the conversation' on it now, as
they are putting feature requests all over the place, last night the
blender development forum was 80+% feature requests on the first page.
kinda ruining the signal to noise ratio. Since then someone came by and
moved them all to the code-quest section. Also a banner has been put up
mentioning the site is not for feature requests. but still, users do what
user do...

While I do see value in gathering user-feedback, it's not very hard to
imagine that the line between feedback and feature requests is arbitrary
at the best of times.

Especially with all the changes currently in 2.8, it's also easy to see
ahead of time that the discussion would be 'heated' at times, devtalk
pretty much coasted by with little to no moderation.

Given the response so far, it's clear users are screaming for an outlet
to share their ideas/opinions/and feature requests.

The question is, was devtalk really the best venue for this experiment?
couldn't we just have spun up another discourse instance?

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