see inline comments

On 7/26/2018 10:21 AM, Brecht Van Lommel wrote:
> I think it would be great to have all these libraries updated, especially
> the ones with CVEs.
> * Blosc: definitely need to upgrade one to fix GCC build issues
I  marked the upgrade to latest, the minimum we need is 1.8.1 which already 2+ 
years old
seems silly to upgrade to an already ancient version.

> * clew/cuew: I wonder if we even need OpenCL/CUDA support in OpenSubdiv,
> maybe OpenGL is enough..
unsure, sergey would probably know better here, cuda will be problematic either 
with the fighting between nvcc and the msvc compiler version that it may or may 
like.  it's currently disabled because of that and I don't think anyone noticed?

> * flexbison/schroendinger/lapack: seems fine to remove
Marked for removal
> * openjpeg: don't think there is a good reason to have it in extern/
> anymore, would be happy to see patch to remove it from there
I have brought this up in the past, and sergey seemed very passionate about 
it there.

> I guess most of these are relatively easy with a tweak to versions.cmake,
> not sure how difficult it is on Linux.
Relativity easy , we just need to pay attention to that when we change a lib we 
need to rebuild the libs upstream from it even if their version hasn't changed
(we've run into some weird oiio issues in the past due to a libpng upgrade)

just follow this 'easy' chart and it'll be fine!

> On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 9:54 PM Ray Molenkamp <> wrote:
>> There's quite a few libraries we build for the various platforms
>> (57 by the last count) and it's not always clear who the module
>> owner is and who is supposed to ask for newer versions of certain
>> libs.
>> I took a quick survey of the versions we use and the latest versions
>> available. (based on build_files\build_environment\cmake\versions.cmake)
>> (or in case the email ruins the long link: )
>> There are several libs with known CVE's, personally I would prefer
>> to upgrade those to the latest versions (most seem low risk upgrades)
>> but for everything else I really have no strong opinion.
>> Any module owner that wants edit rights, please poke me (email/irc) and
>> I'll get you an editable link.
>> --Ray
>> On 7/23/2018 11:43 AM, Brecht Van Lommel wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> It's been a while since we updated libraries, and with the upgrade to
>>> Visual Studio 2017 this has now become easier on Windows as well. Since
>> the
>>> platform maintainers have time now to do updates, let's try to get this
>> in
>>> motion.
>>> Some of the latest library versions need C++11, I also propose we require
>>> C++11 in master. This mostly involves removing the WITH_CXX1 option and
>>> code cleanups for STL data types compatibility.
>>> For libraries, these are the ones I know of. Let us know if any other
>>> library updates are needed.
>>> * OSL, LLVM, OIIO: so we no longer need a really old LLVM version.
>>> * OpenVDB 5.1.0: so we can read files written by other applications that
>>> have OpenVDB 5.x.
>>> * Python 3.7.0 (or should we wait until there is a 3.7.1 or so with
>>> bugfixes?)
>>> * OpenSubdiv: this will need to include a number of Sergey's bugfixes,
>> the
>>> revision needed is not known (or doesn't exist) yet.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brecht.
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