Hi all,

Here are the notes from today's developer meeting. Next meeting is
Monday, 3 June 10:00 CEST / 8:00 UTC, in #blender-coders on

1) Development

* The Blender 2.80 user interface is now frozen, so that there is a
stable base for creating documentation and tutorials. Settings will
stay in the same place and screenshots should remain valid for the
final 2.80 release. A handful of menu entries may be added, or a
tooltip might be improved, but nothing that would break documentation.
* The Python API will also remain compatible, so add-ons working now
should continue working in the final 2.80 release.
* Developers start updating the user manual next week. Campbell will
map out the work to be done and organize it.
* The Summer of Code coding period has started. Ray Molenkamp has
volunteered to create daily Windows builds of all branches for
testing, though of course it will take a while before there will be
anything testable in most branches.
* Regression tests are now passing on all 64 bit platforms, only on 32
bit some issues remain. Developers should run tests before committing

2) New Features and Changes

About 110 bugs have been fixed in the last week.

* Sequencer: smarter cache invalidation makes interactive moving of
strips and tweaking strip properties much smoother. (Richard Antalík)
* Particles: optimization for generating millions of particles on
computers with many cores. (Juan Gea)
* COLLADA: support for exporting with a different global axis
rotation. (Gaia Clary)
* Transform tool is back in the 3D viewport toolbar, the other gizmo
settings remain unchanged for those who prefer to enable transform
gizmos independent of tools. (Campbell Barton)
* Mesh editing overlays have been tweaked to have more contrast
regardless of the material and lighting used. (Clément Foucault)
* Workbench studio light presets have been changed to add more
contrast. (Clément Foucault, William Reynish)
* Many small user interface layout tweaks. (William Reynish)

3) Weekly Reports

* Bastien: 
* Brecht: https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/User:Brecht/Reports/2019#May_20_-_24
* Campbell: 
* Clément: 
* Dalai: https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/User:Dfelinto/Reports/2019#May_20_-_24
* Jacques: 
* Jeroen: 
* Philipp: 
* Sergey: 
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