
Took a bit, but the windows libs have been updated, couple of note worthy 

First: After a brief consult with sybren, the site packages have been
updated to the following versions:

IDNA     2.8
CHARDET  3.0.4
URLLIB3  1.25.3
CERTIFI  2019.6.16
NUMPY    1.17.0

Second : To support running 'make format' without having to be depended
on a system python being installed on windows, the packaging for python
had to be significantly changed. There now is a runnable python in the
lib folder rather than tarballs. 

All tests are still passing, so I'm not expecting a whole lot of problems
however if any do show-up because of this change, please let me know asap.

Third: I left the old python packaging in SVN for now so it will not
disturb any branches dependent on the old packaging method, however,
these old versions will be removed in the future, so be sure to merge
master sooner rather than later if you are working in a branch.

On 2019-08-02 8:55 a.m., dr. Sybren A. Stüvel wrote:
> Dear platform maintainers,
> I've just modified versions.cmake and to install the
> latest version of Python, namely 3.7.4. Please update the platform
> libraries accordingly.
> Kind regards,
> Sybren
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