Hi all,

Here are the notes from today's developer meeting. Next meeting is
Monday, 9 March 11:00 CET / 10:00 UTC, in #blender-coders on

For the complete report read it on:

* Blender 3.0 and LTS proposal by Ton Roosendaal [1].
* Second "code quality day" this Friday, 6/Mar/20 [2].

* Campbell Barton organized an initial list of fixes to be backported
to a 2.82a release (T74274).
* Developers are to update the task with proposed new fixes.
* Buildbot builds will be triggered manually, the 2.82a branch will be
created this week.
* The idea is to release 2.82a on March 12, same day we start 2.83 bcon2.

* Grease pencil patch review is ongoing (D6293) with few fixes pending.
* VR initial patches were sent for review, the final milestone 1
functionality will come afterwards (T71347).
* Volume object is also under review (D6945).
* Multires (T73317) should make it in time. Which doesn't mean solve
every possible issue, but making it a lot better.
* Undo (T60695) is a complicated topic. It doesn't look far from
ready, but Bastien Montagne is afraid of introducing big issues with
this change without the due time for testing.

* The meeting digressed a bit on the impacts that making 2.83 the
first LTS would have. In particular when it comes to add more or less
features in a release that is supposed to aim at stability.
* "The LTS stability comes from continuing to bugfix it after the
release, not so much form being conservative with new features"
(Brecht Van Lommel)

[1] - https://code.blender.org/2020/02/release-planning-2020-2025/
[2] - https://lists.blender.org/pipermail/bf-committers/2020-March/050486.html

Dalai Felinto - da...@blender.org - www.blender.org
Blender Development Coordinator
Bf-committers mailing list

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