Hi all,

Here are the notes from today's developer meeting. Next meeting is
Monday, 18 May 11:00 CEST / 9:00 UTC, in #blender-coders on

For the complete report read it on:

* Thursday is holiday in the Netherlands (21/5 - ascention day).
* Tracker curfew wrap up - blog post [1].
* Yiming Wu is resuming his work on LANPR.
* Welcome Ubisoft developers: Nicolas Fauvet, Sylvain Magdelaine and
Thomas Capelle. They have been granted commit access to work in the
`xr-world-navigation` branch.

Bug Fixing Sprint
* The average of daily fixes went up 92%, from 13 to 25.
* High priority bugs went down from 18 to 5.
* Unclassified went from 117 to 105 (need to improve further).
* New reports and untriaged continues around the same (which is good).
* Known issues went up 24, to a total of 594.
* Reporst that need developers attention when down 6%, from 770 to 732.

* LTS final plan is still to be proposed/announced.
* Brecht Van Lommel created T76058 to address the changes in Blender
regarding LTS numbering.
* There are still open bugs tagged as 2.83 [2]. Dalai Felinto to
assign them to developers.

Google Summer of Code
* Regression Testing Framework by Himanshi Kalra starts this week -
branch `soc-2020-testing-frameworks`.
* The updated proposals for all the projects will be in the GSoC 2020 page [3].

[1] - https://code.blender.org/2020/05/tracker-curfew-wrap-up
[2] - https://developer.blender.org/project/board/105/
[3] - https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/GSoC/2020

Dalai Felinto - da...@blender.org - www.blender.org
Blender Development Coordinator
Bf-committers mailing list
  • [Bf-committers] Blender developer meeting ... Dalai Felinto via Bf-committers

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