The Blender 3.0 release is on track for release on Friday 3rd December.

* As of now, do not commit to `blender-v3.0-release` branch without
clearing up with Philipp Oeser or me directly.
* The plan is to start the build process Thursday night CET.
* Any non-showstoppers can be committed to master and listed in the
potential 3.0.1 task  (T93479).
* At the moment there is no high priority bug that is blocking the release

For anything release related join #blender-coders on blender.chat.


[*] The existing high priority bugs are either old issues, or won't
realistic be fixed for this release (T93350, T88570, T88368, T88257,
T87975, T87243, T86868, T86778).

Dalai Felinto - da...@blender.org - www.blender.org
Blender Development Coordinator
Buikslotermeerplein 161, 1025 ET Amsterdam, the Netherlands
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