Revision: 22836

Author:   hofman
Date:     2018-10-14 17:09:16 +0000 (Sun, 14 Oct 2018)
Log Message:
let generic group respond to export command

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/bibdesk/BDSKGroup+Scripting.h
--- trunk/bibdesk/BDSKGroup+Scripting.h 2018-10-14 16:40:21 UTC (rev 22835)
+++ trunk/bibdesk/BDSKGroup+Scripting.h 2018-10-14 17:09:16 UTC (rev 22836)
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@
 - (BOOL)isExternal;
+- (id)handleExportScriptCommand:(NSScriptCommand *)command;
 #pragma mark -
@@ -127,9 +129,6 @@
 #pragma mark -
 @interface BDSKExternalGroup (Scripting)
-- (id)handleExportScriptCommand:(NSScriptCommand *)command;
 #pragma mark -

Modified: trunk/bibdesk/BDSKGroup+Scripting.m
--- trunk/bibdesk/BDSKGroup+Scripting.m 2018-10-14 16:40:21 UTC (rev 22835)
+++ trunk/bibdesk/BDSKGroup+Scripting.m 2018-10-14 17:09:16 UTC (rev 22836)
@@ -134,6 +134,125 @@
     return ([self groupType] & BDSKExternalGroupType) != 0;
+- (id)handleExportScriptCommand:(NSScriptCommand *)command {
+    NSDictionary *params = [command evaluatedArguments];
+    // the 'to' parameters gives the file to save to, either as a path or a 
url (it seems)
+    id fileObj = [params objectForKey:@"to"];
+    NSURL *fileURL = nil;
+    // make sure we get the right thing
+    if ([fileObj isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
+        fileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:(NSString *)fileObj];
+        if (fileURL == nil)
+            return nil;
+    } else if ([fileObj isKindOfClass:[NSURL class]]) {
+        fileURL = (NSURL *)fileObj;
+    } else if (fileObj && ([fileObj isKindOfClass:[NSPropertySpecifier class]] 
== NO || [[fileObj key] isEqualToString:@"clipboard"] == NO)) {
+        [command setScriptErrorNumber:NSArgumentsWrongScriptError];
+        return nil;
+    }
+    // the 'using' parameters gives the template name to use
+    id templateStyle = [params objectForKey:@"using"];
+    id templateString = [params objectForKey:@"usingText"];
+    id templateAttrString = [params objectForKey:@"usingRichText"];
+    BDSKTemplate *template = nil;
+    // make sure we get something
+    if (templateStyle == nil && templateString == nil && templateAttrString == 
nil) {
+        [command setScriptErrorNumber:NSRequiredArgumentsMissingScriptError];
+        [command setScriptErrorString:@"One of the 'using' argument needs to 
be provided."];
+        return nil;
+    }
+    // make sure we get the right thing
+    if ([templateStyle isKindOfClass:[BDSKTemplate class]] ) {
+        template = templateStyle;
+    } else if ([templateStyle isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] ) {
+        template = [BDSKTemplate templateForStyle:templateStyle];
+    } else if ([templateStyle isKindOfClass:[NSURL class]] ) {
+        template = [BDSKTemplate templateWithName:@"" 
mainPageURL:templateStyle fileType:[templateStyle pathExtension] ?: [fileURL 
pathExtension] ?: @"txt"];
+    } else if ([templateString isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] ) {
+        template = [BDSKTemplate templateWithString:templateString 
fileType:[fileURL pathExtension] ?: @"txt"];
+    } else if ([templateAttrString isKindOfClass:[NSAttributedString class]] ) 
+        template = [BDSKTemplate 
templateWithAttributedString:templateAttrString fileType:[fileURL 
pathExtension] ?: @"rtf"];
+    }
+    if (template == nil) {
+        [command setScriptErrorNumber:NSArgumentsWrongScriptError];
+        return nil;
+    }
+    id<BDSKOwner> owner = [self isExternal] ? (id<BDSKOwner>)self : [self 
+    // the 'for' parameter can select the items to template
+    NSArray *obj = [params objectForKey:@"for"];
+    NSArray *items = nil;
+    if (obj) {
+        items = [obj isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]] ? obj : [NSArray 
+        if ([items count] && NSNotFound != [items 
indexOfObjectPassingTest:^BOOL(id anObj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop){ return NO 
== [anObj isKindOfClass:[BibItem class]] || [anObj owner] != owner; }]) {
+            // wrong kind of argument
+            [command setScriptErrorNumber:NSArgumentsWrongScriptError];
+            [command setScriptErrorString:@"The 'in' option needs to be a 
publication or a list of publications."];
+            return nil;
+        }
+    } else {
+        items = [self scriptingPublications];
+    }
+    // the 'in' parameter can select the items context to template
+    obj = [params objectForKey:@"in"];
+    NSArray *itemsContext = nil;
+    if (obj) {
+        items = [obj isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]] ? obj : [NSArray 
+        if ([items count] && NSNotFound != [obj 
indexOfObjectPassingTest:^BOOL(id anObj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop){ return NO 
== [anObj isKindOfClass:[BibItem class]] || [anObj owner] != owner; }]) {
+            // wrong kind of argument
+            [command setScriptErrorNumber:NSArgumentsWrongScriptError];
+            [command setScriptErrorString:@"The 'for' option needs to be a 
list of publications."];
+            return nil;
+        }
+    }
+    NSString *string = nil;
+    NSAttributedString *attrString = nil;
+    NSDictionary *docAttributes = nil;
+    BDSKTemplateFormat format = [template templateFormat];
+    if ((format & BDSKTemplateFormatRichText))
+        attrString = [BDSKTemplateObjectProxy 
attributedStringByParsingTemplate:template withObject:owner publications:items 
publicationsContext:itemsContext documentAttributes:&docAttributes];
+    else
+        string = [BDSKTemplateObjectProxy stringByParsingTemplate:template 
withObject:owner publications:items publicationsContext:itemsContext];
+    if (string == nil && attrString == nil) {
+        [command setScriptErrorNumber:NSInternalScriptError];
+        [command setScriptErrorString:@"Could not parse template."];
+        return nil;
+    }
+    if (fileURL) {
+        NSData *fileData = nil;
+        if ((format & BDSKTemplateFormatRTFD)) {
+            NSFileWrapper *fileWrapper = [attrString 
RTFDFileWrapperFromRange:NSMakeRange(0,[attrString length]) 
+            [fileWrapper writeToFile:[fileURL path] atomically:YES 
+        } else if ((format & BDSKTemplateFormatRichText)) {
+            NSMutableDictionary *mutableAttributes = [NSMutableDictionary 
+            [mutableAttributes setObject:[template documentType] 
+            fileData = [attrString dataFromRange:NSMakeRange(0,[attrString 
length]) documentAttributes:mutableAttributes error:NULL];
+            [fileData writeToURL:fileURL atomically:YES];
+        } else {
+            [string writeToURL:fileURL atomically:YES 
encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:NULL];
+        }
+        NSURL *destDirURL = [fileURL URLByDeletingLastPathComponent];
+        for (NSURL *accessoryURL in [template accessoryFileURLs])
+            [[NSFileManager defaultManager] copyItemAtURL:accessoryURL 
toURL:[destDirURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:[accessoryURL lastPathComponent]] 
+    } else if (fileObj) {
+        NSPasteboard *pboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard];
+        [pboard clearContents];
+        [pboard writeObjects:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:(id)attrString ?: 
(id)string, nil]];
+    }
+    return string ? (id)string : (id)[attrString richTextSpecifier];
 #pragma mark -
@@ -336,123 +455,6 @@
     return identifierURL ? [[self publications] 
itemForIdentifierURL:identifierURL] : nil;
-- (id)handleExportScriptCommand:(NSScriptCommand *)command {
-    NSDictionary *params = [command evaluatedArguments];
-    // the 'to' parameters gives the file to save to, either as a path or a 
url (it seems)
-    id fileObj = [params objectForKey:@"to"];
-    NSURL *fileURL = nil;
-    // make sure we get the right thing
-    if ([fileObj isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
-        fileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:(NSString *)fileObj];
-        if (fileURL == nil)
-            return nil;
-    } else if ([fileObj isKindOfClass:[NSURL class]]) {
-        fileURL = (NSURL *)fileObj;
-    } else if (fileObj && ([fileObj isKindOfClass:[NSPropertySpecifier class]] 
== NO || [[fileObj key] isEqualToString:@"clipboard"] == NO)) {
-        [command setScriptErrorNumber:NSArgumentsWrongScriptError];
-        return nil;
-    }
-    // the 'using' parameters gives the template name to use
-    id templateStyle = [params objectForKey:@"using"];
-    id templateString = [params objectForKey:@"usingText"];
-    id templateAttrString = [params objectForKey:@"usingRichText"];
-    BDSKTemplate *template = nil;
-    // make sure we get something
-    if (templateStyle == nil && templateString == nil && templateAttrString == 
nil) {
-        [command setScriptErrorNumber:NSRequiredArgumentsMissingScriptError];
-        [command setScriptErrorString:@"One of the 'using' argument needs to 
be provided."];
-        return nil;
-    }
-    // make sure we get the right thing
-    if ([templateStyle isKindOfClass:[BDSKTemplate class]] ) {
-        template = templateStyle;
-    } else if ([templateStyle isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] ) {
-        template = [BDSKTemplate templateForStyle:templateStyle];
-    } else if ([templateStyle isKindOfClass:[NSURL class]] ) {
-        template = [BDSKTemplate templateWithName:@"" 
mainPageURL:templateStyle fileType:[templateStyle pathExtension] ?: [fileURL 
pathExtension] ?: @"txt"];
-    } else if ([templateString isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] ) {
-        template = [BDSKTemplate templateWithString:templateString 
fileType:[fileURL pathExtension] ?: @"txt"];
-    } else if ([templateAttrString isKindOfClass:[NSAttributedString class]] ) 
-        template = [BDSKTemplate 
templateWithAttributedString:templateAttrString fileType:[fileURL 
pathExtension] ?: @"rtf"];
-    }
-    if (template == nil) {
-        [command setScriptErrorNumber:NSArgumentsWrongScriptError];
-        return nil;
-    }
-    // the 'for' parameter can select the items to template
-    NSArray *obj = [params objectForKey:@"for"];
-    NSArray *items = nil;
-    if (obj) {
-        items = [obj isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]] ? obj : [NSArray 
-        if ([items count] && NSNotFound != [items 
indexOfObjectPassingTest:^BOOL(id anObj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop){ return NO 
== [anObj isKindOfClass:[BibItem class]] || [anObj owner] != self; }]) {
-            // wrong kind of argument
-            [command setScriptErrorNumber:NSArgumentsWrongScriptError];
-            [command setScriptErrorString:@"The 'in' option needs to be a 
publication or a list of publications."];
-            return nil;
-        }
-    } else {
-        items = [self publications];
-    }
-    // the 'in' parameter can select the items context to template
-    obj = [params objectForKey:@"in"];
-    NSArray *itemsContext = nil;
-    if (obj) {
-        items = [obj isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]] ? obj : [NSArray 
-        if ([items count] && NSNotFound != [obj 
indexOfObjectPassingTest:^BOOL(id anObj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop){ return NO 
== [anObj isKindOfClass:[BibItem class]] || [anObj owner] != self; }]) {
-            // wrong kind of argument
-            [command setScriptErrorNumber:NSArgumentsWrongScriptError];
-            [command setScriptErrorString:@"The 'for' option needs to be a 
list of publications."];
-            return nil;
-        }
-    }
-    NSString *string = nil;
-    NSAttributedString *attrString = nil;
-    NSDictionary *docAttributes = nil;
-    BDSKTemplateFormat format = [template templateFormat];
-    if ((format & BDSKTemplateFormatRichText))
-        attrString = [BDSKTemplateObjectProxy 
attributedStringByParsingTemplate:template withObject:self publications:items 
publicationsContext:itemsContext documentAttributes:&docAttributes];
-    else
-        string = [BDSKTemplateObjectProxy stringByParsingTemplate:template 
withObject:self publications:items publicationsContext:itemsContext];
-    if (string == nil && attrString == nil) {
-        [command setScriptErrorNumber:NSInternalScriptError];
-        [command setScriptErrorString:@"Could not parse template."];
-        return nil;
-    }
-    if (fileURL) {
-        NSData *fileData = nil;
-        if ((format & BDSKTemplateFormatRTFD)) {
-            NSFileWrapper *fileWrapper = [attrString 
RTFDFileWrapperFromRange:NSMakeRange(0,[attrString length]) 
-            [fileWrapper writeToFile:[fileURL path] atomically:YES 
-        } else if ((format & BDSKTemplateFormatRichText)) {
-            NSMutableDictionary *mutableAttributes = [NSMutableDictionary 
-            [mutableAttributes setObject:[template documentType] 
-            fileData = [attrString dataFromRange:NSMakeRange(0,[attrString 
length]) documentAttributes:mutableAttributes error:NULL];
-            [fileData writeToURL:fileURL atomically:YES];
-        } else {
-            [string writeToURL:fileURL atomically:YES 
encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:NULL];
-        }
-        NSURL *destDirURL = [fileURL URLByDeletingLastPathComponent];
-        for (NSURL *accessoryURL in [template accessoryFileURLs])
-        [[NSFileManager defaultManager] copyItemAtURL:accessoryURL 
toURL:[destDirURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:[accessoryURL lastPathComponent]] 
-    } else if (fileObj) {
-        NSPasteboard *pboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard];
-        [pboard clearContents];
-        [pboard writeObjects:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:(id)attrString ?: 
(id)string, nil]];
-    }
-    return string ? (id)string : (id)[attrString richTextSpecifier];
 #pragma mark -

Modified: trunk/bibdesk/Scripting/BibDesk.sdef
--- trunk/bibdesk/Scripting/BibDesk.sdef        2018-10-14 16:40:21 UTC (rev 
+++ trunk/bibdesk/Scripting/BibDesk.sdef        2018-10-14 17:09:16 UTC (rev 
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@
         <command name="export" code="BDSKexpt"
                        description="Exports publications in the document using 
a template to file.">
-                description="The object responding to the command, the 
document or external group.">
+                description="The object responding to the command, the 
document or group.">
                 <type type="document"/>
                 <type type="group"/>
@@ -1399,6 +1399,9 @@
             <responds-to name="select">
                 <cocoa method=""/>
+            <responds-to name="export">
+                <cocoa method="handleExportScriptCommand:"/>
+            </responds-to>
         <class name="library group" plural="library groups" code="Libr" 
@@ -1449,9 +1452,6 @@
                 description="The file for the external group">
                 <cocoa key="scriptingFileURL"/>
-            <responds-to name="export">
-                <cocoa method="handleExportScriptCommand:"/>
-            </responds-to>
         <class name="script group" plural="script groups" code="ScGp" 
@@ -1465,9 +1465,6 @@
                 description="The script arguments for the group">
                 <cocoa key="scriptingScriptArguments"/>
-            <responds-to name="export">
-                <cocoa method="handleExportScriptCommand:"/>
-            </responds-to>
         <class name="search group" plural="search groups" code="SrGp" 
@@ -1489,17 +1486,11 @@
                 description="The server name of the search group">
                 <cocoa key="scriptingServerName"/>
-            <responds-to name="export">
-                <cocoa method="handleExportScriptCommand:"/>
-            </responds-to>
         <class name="shared group" plural="shared groups" code="ShGp" 
                        description="A group containing shared publications.">
             <cocoa class="BDSKSharedGroup"/>
-            <responds-to name="export">
-                <cocoa method="handleExportScriptCommand:"/>
-            </responds-to>
         <class name="web group" plural="web groups" code="WbGp" 
@@ -1509,9 +1500,6 @@
                 description="The URL for the web group">
                 <cocoa key="URLString"/>
-            <responds-to name="export">
-                <cocoa method="handleExportScriptCommand:"/>
-            </responds-to>
         <class name="script hook" plural="script hooks" code="bshk"

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