(moved from Bibdesk users since they may not be so interested in the
details... Hope that's ok)

Hi Christian,

Looks like our messages crossed.  Quick work!

=On 2009-01-03 23:31, "Christiaan Hofman" <cmhof...@gmail.com> wrote:
> RIS is truly a mess, that's why the RIS parsers are a mess. It's
> almost impossible to touch it, because any fix is almost bound to add
> a new bug. That's why I really don't like to even try fixing it (and
> therefore tend to close bug reports asking me).
> Anyway, I applied the patch (thanks Gregory), after some changes.
> Because of course the patch as it was would've broken proper RIS.

Thank you very much for that patch.

A couple of points though.

1) My changes were restricted to BDSKPubMedParser parser which is surely
only called for PubMed records.  PubMed records are defined by the

+ (BOOL)canParseString:(NSString *)string{

Which checks if a string has whitespace followed by PMID-

This is true for Medline, but not for RIS.  So I can't see any possibility
of interference.

2) Anyway I now tried to use your new patch svn r13945.  It definitely works
better for medline entries, but it gets rid of the Dp field.  This is a pity
since the Dp field is the only thing that has the full publication date of
the article in the journal.  Sometimes your regex ignores stuff beyond the
year that isn't a simple month or month day eg:

2005 Spring
2005 Jan-Feb

This is still useful information.  I would suggest that it would be better
if either A) the Month field took anything past the year (my personal pref)
or B) the Dp field is retained in bibdesk as is and the Month is only filled
when it looks like Mar or Mar 23.

3) I tried using svn r13945 to open the test RIS records (compendex.ris and
scopus.ris).  Now the BibTex Year field for the imported scopus.ris retains
the three terminal slashes.  Furthermore if the RIS file contains a
publication date (PY or Y1) with a month and a day they will not be inserted
into the month field.

4) Your changes to BDSKPubMedParser's fixPublicationDictionary look tidier
than my original.  However the changes in BDSKRISParser
fixPublicationDictionary seem unnecessary.  Furthermore that code now
contains some errors in the comments and the understanding of the difference
between RIS and PubMed/Medline specs. Specifically there is no DP field in
the RIS spec - it is a PubMed only field.  RIS stores publication dates in
PY or Y1.  This is where the bug in point 3) has cropped up - because RIS PY
or Y1 fields are now being carried through as is.

5) In general I would say that RIS and PubMed/Medline are rather different
formats that share a similar syntax and a few field names.  As Adam has just
pointed out, PubMed/Medline is well-defined at the somewhat hard to find:

While the RIS spec is at:


6) Finally, please don't think that this nitpicking means that I am
ungrateful for the vast amount excellent work that you have put into BibDesk
I just really care about the PubMed/RIS implementations because now that
BibDesk is such a powerful app I rely on them for my daily work.

7) I am very happy to fix up any of the above as my small contribution to
the development effort. I am a Cocoa amateur, but I am quite careful and
know enough to handle small stuff like this.

Best wishes,


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