On 4 Jul 2007, at 5:25 PM, Alex Hamann wrote:

> Am 04.07.2007 um 17:16 schrieb Ista Zahn:
>> 1) I can't seem to sort groups hierarchically. Is this possible/
>> planned in future releases?
> I will leave this to the developers

I'm not really sure what you mean by hierarchical sort. But we  
haven't planned any sort apart from the available ones (first by  
kind, and second either by name or by size).

>> 2) How can I use the "new publication from web" feature? I am able to
>> browse PsychINFO through my  school, and search for references, but I
>> can't seem to figure out how to add a reference once I've located it.
> basically you can browse to a webpage where you see bibliographic
> data and then just mark the text in the left window and move it to
> the appropriate fields in the right window by using the shortcuts
> indicated in each field. of course you could also use the usual copy
> paste shortcuts.

...as well as select and drag/drop or double-click on the first column.

>> 3) When I use the z.3050 search interface to connect to PsychINFO,
>> only a few fields (Title, Publisher, Address, Author, Date-Added,
>> Date-Modified, Edition, Genre, and Url) are mapped correctly. The
>> rest of the information (and most importantly, the Year field) are
>> all mapped to the Annote field. Is there any way to fix this?
> Probably not as it does not sound like it was BibDesk's fault.
> Developers?

MARC (which usually is returned from z39.50 servers) is a pretty  
vaguely defined format and used even more vaguely/inconsistently. We  
try as best as we can to interpret the fields, but that is  
necessarily restricted, as all servers give you something else.


>> Thanks,
>> Ista Zahn
> Good luck,
> Alex

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